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"Fine." Dean groaned under his breath
You smiled
"Okay so where to next?" You looked up at them both.
"A motel." Dean had pay his hands on his legs and started to rise up from the booth.
"Woah woah woah, I'm not some cheap hooker gotta take me somewhere fancy first." You had no filter and sometimes it got the best of you.
Sam chuckled under his breath and Dean just seemed to be annoyed, I didn't know why he didn't like me.
"We need to get shut eye first before we just go out and kill demons, we need research." Dean explained in a pissed tone.
You get up, in the gross clothes you left in.
"I hope we can go get me new clothes cause these are just gross... I'll also need to take a shower if that's ok." You looked at dean
"Fine." Dean seemed like the boss, or at least it seemed like, he gave in to sam's requests so maybe he only bargained with sam.

~at the motel~

"Thanks for letting me come along, I know it must seem annoying but you don't know how important this is to me." You smiled
"No problem." Sam smiled at you
"Is this the bathroom?" You pointed at the only door in the whole room besides the front
"Yeah." Sam smiled
You headed into the shower, you haven't cleaned yourself in a long time, you put one foot in the shower and turned on the water.
It was hot but not too hot.
It was great, you scrubbed your body of all the dirt and gunk that had stuck onto it. The bad thing was, you couldn't wash away the scars those demons had left on your body.
You turned off the water and looked at yourself in the mirror, you were finally clean and you could see what you looked like for the first time.
You looked around, where was a towel?
You froze, shit there was no towel.
You peeked out the bathroom door, you could see a note on the table. You ran to the note that had said they went to get you clothes.
As you walked to the cabinet with towels, the door opened.
You fell down behind the bed, you peeked over the bed to see the boys standing in place.
"Uh hey boys." You smiled from behind the bed
"Uh (y/n) what are you doing?" Sam said, about to laugh at you.
"Well there was no towel in the bathroom and I needed one, you guys weren't out here so I figured I could get one?" You explained with a big smile on your face, trying to hide your embarrassment
Dean had look away.
"Can you guys turn around so I can uh, get a towel."
"Uh yeah." Sam said, dean just stood there
"Hey blondie that means turn around like your brother there." You pointed at Sam's back
"Uh right." He turned around.
You got up and opened the cabinet where the towels were, you wrapped one around you.
"Okay all good here." Both of the boys turned around, dean walked over to give your clothes to you.
"Thanks guys." You looked at dean and hugged him
"I mean it thanks." You let go of dean, His eyes averted yours and he grew red.
"You're welcome." Dean mumbled
You took your clothes into the bathroom and got changed, it was some band t-shirt a little too big and jeans that had fit just right.
You had tied the shirt so it wasn't as big.
You walked out of the bathroom, the boys were at the tiny motel table, Sam was on the laptop and Dean was reading some book.
"Anything I can help with?" You sat on the bed across from them.
"So, what was it like?" Sam said, he leaned near me.
"Well at first it was, them kind of cat calling me? From the cell... then it became like a torture thing, they enjoyed cutting me and watching me squirm and scream in pain. And then I became numb to the pain, for 5 years I was cut, poked, jabbed and much more." You could recall all of these memories, the pain you endured all those years.
"I had to watch my family slowly die in front of me, they loved to see me cry." You added
You started to break, a tear had rolled down your cheek.
You laughed "im sorry..." you explained
Sam put his hand on your shoulder.
"No no it's fine you're fine, you're allowed to cry." You had pulled yourself into sam's arms, and balled your eyes out, your brother, sisters, mom and dad both were slaughtered by those ugly bastareds and you had to sit there and watch.
"I'm sorry." You said again, you started to pull yourself together, wiping the boogers and tears off with the towel that you had sat on the bed.
"We should all get to bed." Sam said
"We've got a big day tomorrow." Sam added
There were only two beds, you looked at the boys and then at the beds.
"Not me!" Sam said and dean looked at him
"I'm kind of..."
"Big." You finished his sentence
"Yeah.." he laughed
"And what am I." Dean looked at sam
"Not ginormous." You looked at dean
"Right.." dean said
Dean plopped on the bed and sam laid himself on the other.
"Fully clothed and everything huh?" You smiled
"Well I could never sleep in jeans even when I was locked in a jail cell." You took off your pants and got under the cover, dean just looked at you.
"What?" Sam chuckled and turned off the lamp
Dean kept fiddling around, moving.
You turned to dean and looked at him, he looked at you too
"What's wrong." You whispered lowly
"Go to sleep." Dean grumbled
He fidgeted a little, you couldn't sleep with all his moving.
You pulled yourself towards dean, and wrapped your arms around his body.
"What the hell are you doing?" Dean protested
"You keep moving, I can't sleep. Just hold still."
Dean had seemed to untense himself. He eased himself and had wrapped his arms around you.
That's when you slowly fell asleep, in someone's arms. It's not like you liked dean, he was a grump a big old man with a stick in his ass. It was the only way he would stop moving, unless you would have booted him off the bed and we all knew that wouldn't have gone over with dean so well.

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