|| Reunited ||

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Trigger warning: Deals with self harm. If you are not comfortable with this subject, do not read this. Otherwise enjoy!


You stopped outside of the apartment, your heart beating uncontrollably. After 8 years, you were finally back in your hometown of Queens and was about to be back home.

Here we go.

You were only three when your parents died and May adopted you. May was your mother's closest friend, so she only saw it appropriate to take in her best friend's daughter. You and Peter had become the best of friends until you were eight. Then, social services came and told May they had found your grandparents and they were your legal gaurdians. Because of this, you were sent to California and that's where you've been for 6 years. It was miserable, but on your 13 birthday, your grandmother surprised you by saying she was finally able to contact May and Peter. Soon things started to look up. But when you were 15, your grandmother died and your grandfather became very abusive. You had no one, until you realized you still had May and Peter. A few months later, when you turned sixteen, you booked a flight for Queens without your grandfather knowing and now here you were, no money, no family, just full of pain.

You can do this (y/n). Just knock.

You adjusted your backpack that was on your shoulders and and drew up your hand. Slowly, you knocked on the hard wood door.

What if they aren't happy to see me? What if-

Your thoughts were interrupted by the door swinging open. May covered her mouth, tears streaming down her face as she saw you.

"(y/n)!" She cried and you hugged her. May's grip tightened on you as you started to cry.

"I'm home May." You cried into her shoulder. "I'm home and no one is going to take me back." May wiped her eyes and pulled back, placing her hands on your face.

"Get inside (y/n)." She said. You felt more tears run down your face as she shut the door behind you. "You're nor going anywhere this time." You smiled.

"Thank you May." You said, sniffing. "I- I don't really have anything with me. I spent all my money on the flight here." May smiled sadly. You had thankfully saved her number and told her everything that had happned the last year a few months ago, but you didn't tell her you were coming. May placed her hands on your shoulders.

"It's perfectly fine honey. You ran from a terrible situation and I'm glad you told me." You nodded, feeling a little bit better. Suddenly, you heard the unmistakable voice of the boy you hadn't seen in 8 years.

"May who's here...." Peter trailed off as he walked out if his room and saw you. "(y/n)?" You covered your mouth and threw your bag down as you flug yourself in the arms of Peter. As soon as you collided, Peter squeezed you tight. A sob escaped your lips as tears spilled down your cheeks.

"I'm home Peter." You cried into his shoulder. "I'm not leaving you again." Peter immediately pulled you into him.

"Even if you were, I wasn't going to lose you again." He whispered in your ear. Placing a kiss on your cheek, which made your stomach do summersaults.

"Peter, take (y/n) to your room while I finish dinner." May said and you disconnected from Peter, grabbing your bag. He nodded before taking your hand and pulling you into his bedroom. You plopped down on his bed, crossing your legs in the process.

"(y/n), where's the rest of your stuff?" Peter asked, eyeing your small backpack. Your breath caught in your throat. This is what you were afraid of, May not telling Peter what happened.

"It's all, uh, still in California." You said quietly, hoping Peter wouldn't ask too many questions. More importantly, you hoped he wouldn't see the scars on your wrists. The bed dipped next to you and Peter played his head in your lap. You smiled and played with his hair.

"(y/n) what's wrong?" Peter asked, looking up at you. You stopped and tilted your head a little. He rolled his eyes. "(y/n) I've known you all my life and know when something is bothering you." You smiled sadly.

"I'm just stressed Peter. That's all." You reassured, trying to sound convincing. He narrowed his eyes before climbing off you and crouching down in front of the bed.

"Okay then, let me see your wrists." Peter said, his voice being a little sterner. Your heart sped up as Peter grabbed your wrist before you could pull away. Tears pricked your eyes as Peter slowly pulled back your sleeve, revealing all your scars.

"(y/n)," Peter said quietly, looking up at you. "Why? Why do this?" You looked down at your lap, not able to meet Peter's eyes.

"(y/n) look at me." He commanded, using his hand to tilt your head up so your eues met. "You know you can tell me anything." You sniffed, wiping your eyes.

"W-When my grandmother died, my grandfather became very abusive." You said, your voice quivering. "It all just went down hill from there." Peter stood u and wiped a tear from your face.

"Promise me you won't do it anymore." He asked, cupping your face in his hands. You nodded, his touch sending shivers down your spine. Peter smiled before crashing his lips onto yours, pushing you down on the bed. The kiss took you by surprise at first but soon you got into rythum.

And that's all you needed. Peter. Right there with you.


Just updated last night but here I am again.

Also thanks so much for almost 300 reads in less than two weeks? Like how amazing can you get Jagiya's?!?!

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