Its Only A Matter Of Time

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Poseidon POV
Percy Jackson. Why did you betray us? No! I don't believe it! I will not believe it!

I keep trying to tell Zeus he's innocent, but like it always is, Zeus thinks he's always right because he's "King of the gods" and everyone else is wrong! 

My son is innocent! And I would know. Vance Quinn claimed to my child, but I know that's not true. I don't remember any woman with a last name like that.

If I picked a woman, I would not end up with a son like Vance. I don't pick stupid, mean, and lazy women—everything that describes Vance. Now, Sally Jackson? She was a woman of great value! First off, she was hot. Second, she was pure, kind, smart, hard working, loyal, and determined. Percy Jackson is just like her! He could not be what everyone thinks!

That's why when I "took away his powers," I really didn't. I merely placed a spell on them that could only be broken when he faced his true self and stood up for himself. I'm the best dad ever! So much better than Zeus—he turned his daughter into a tree!

After a century though, I've kind of lost hope, but that's when I had an idea. A marvelous idea. I'll tell Zeus a powerful demigod is at Goode High School and he'll send Percy's friends, which would trigger his powers and break the spell. Zeus has no idea where Percy is nor would he care, but that's good. He'll jump at this opportunity rather than thinking about it. Just like the big "all brawn and no brains" god he is. You know, sometimes, I think he's a lot more stupid than Ares. 


It's only a matter of time.


A/N: Sorry about such a short chapter! The next one should be longer. I only made this to show that there is still hope for Percy Jackson! Yay!!

Percy Jackson: Immortal High School, Mortal Pain (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now