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"Fucking Hell!"

The two boy's looked at the first target. A girl with medium length hair yelled. She slammed the house door shut as she made her way to the side walk. She walked for a good twenty-five minutes. The girl went to a convenient store. She looked around twenty. She had a youthful glow, and was good-looking .

She walked out holding a bag, and made her way to sit down at one of the three tables placed outside of the store. She rummaged through her bag picking out her drink, and food.

The two boy's made their way to the table behind her's. They sat patiently waiting for the perfect opportunity to shoot the girl in a more private place. Away from any Humans who could possibly witness it happen.

There is two realms. The Human realm, and the After-life realm. Only two? You ask...Yes, only two. Surprise heaven isn't exactly real...but you do go somewhere after death. The 'Under-World'. We all become spirits. Some are more stronger and not pure causing them to evolve into a demon, and it's causes them to stay in that form. They aren't pure enough to be reborn. Since there is demons who live there life being immortal...comes with great responsibilities. One, making a family. Which produces a devil child. You can be born a demon. Two, War. All men who are demons have to serve in the war. The Spirits who are pure against the Demons of the Under-world.

The Spirits are here to bow and protect the Humans. We demons don't give two shits, and don't care about humans...unless you have claimed one. Then you guys are bonded for life until the human dies. Unless you have relations with your human and it gets intimate, and 'rocks the boat' with their human then the human ends up having a longer life capacity. Which is boring...its all about blood binds. Blood binding is the only way that if you truly love your human you can make them immortal.
Rarely happens though, but tales have been said for many generations. It's not a bad thing with in the demon community...It's just demons rarely care for their humans.

Now for scouting. It's were demons look for those who hold some demon characteristics, and powers. They're simply not normal with-in the Human realm, but are stuck living in the human world. It causes an imbalance between both realms. Seohyun possesses some demon characteristics, and the boy's are here to take her in their facility. Seohyun is the pretty girl who the boy's are trying to scout.

Lee Seohyun is her name...and she has some supernatural things happening in her life as of now. She was in a heated argument with her boyfriend, and she managed to move a vase off of the side table in the living room, and launch it at the very aggravating boy in front of her. It missed him since she doesn't have full control over her abilities.

She cleaned up the mess she made. Making her way down the street, and turned down a alleyway leading to her apartment. The boy's tailed behind her, and carefully caught her attention.

"Excuse me," Johnny made his way towards the girl.

"Yes?" She asked.

"I have a question,"Johnny said.

She felt a quick sting on her thigh. She pushed that feeling away, and remained talking to Johnny.

"Do you feel dizzy?" He smirked.

"What did you do to me?" She looked at the handsome boy.

"Not me...him." Johnny pointed to Taeyong who had places the gun at his side now.

Seohyun had fell in to a slumber. She wouldn't wake up any time soon.

The boy's looked at the girls lifeless body now placed on the ground. Johnny placed her over his shoulder.

"Kimba alsuma," Taeyong and Johnny chanted opening the portal. Walking through the portal the couple bid their good-bye to the Human realm.

They appeared in the Masters office. The Master looked at the pair, and noticed the girl.

"Good job." He said happily.

"Where do we place her?"Johnny asked.

The Master pointed to the small couch in the corner of his office.

"Thank you boys. Don't forget to get ready for the raid tomorrow...you did very well today." They Master praised the pair.

The both of them nodded their heads, and said 'thank you'. They made their way to the dorms.

"Glad that's over." Taeyong said ruffling his white hair.

"Yes," Johnny nodded in agreement.

"We have a raid tomorrow?" Johnny asked looking over at the tired looking boy.

"Yes." Taeyong said.

"You have a human yet?" Johnny asked.

"No, but I will tomorrow." I said.

"Suck the soul outta them." Johnny encouraged Taeyong.

"Yeah will do." Taeyong said.

"I'm going to bed. Night." Taeyong finished the discussion.

"Night Taeyong. Also, having a human isn't that bad. You'll enjoy it." Johnny said turning the rooms light off.

Taeyong didn't sleep well that night. He wondered what his human would be like. Would he like 'it'? He groaned in defeat.
He is really going to do this. He's going to get himself a human. That unpleasant thing.

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