Yes, I know, I Posted A LOT Today...

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Okay, so, you know how like, at the bottom of Garden Herb Triscuits the crumbs/extra seasoning {er whatever you wanna call it} goes to the bottom? Well, I just finished the box, and I thought, Hmmm I wonder what that tastes like... so I poured it in my mouth. That shit BURNED like HELL!!!!!! I drank the rest of my Powerade and it still burns. Too much garlic/onion/carrot/whatever the hell else absorbed into my tongue and it huuuuuurts!!! I'm so stupid. But, I might do it again... 

It's like pouring the extra sour stuff that forms at the bottom of a package of Sour Patch Kids {I haven't had them in LITERALLY forever >.<}, which I bet you guys should know what that tastes like. If not, go in your kitchen, get the thing of salt, and just pour it into your mouth {if you don't have salt, then you are NOT human, and need to be sent back on your mother ship... sorreh}. That is what it felt like. 

It's been, like, ten minutes {a.k.a. FOREVER} and it STILL huuurts. I don't know why I did it, at first it tasted sort of good, then and now it just buuuurns. 

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