Mission to Ivory

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In the icy tundra of Solitas, an Atlesian Military bullhead lands at a nearby village. Jumping off the ship is an Atlas first year team, Team SSMR (Summer). Ian Stonewall removes his blade and enters a ready stance as Solomon Noir arms his cannon, Magnus Crimson takes out his pistols and Regen Wilhelm readies his staff for combat.

Stonewall: Move it. Solomon on point, Magnus follow up, Regen bring up the rear. Move.

The team takes their positions and walk up to the town.

Solomon: So, who are we meeting exactly?

Stonewall: Huntress. Our specialist division.

Solomon: Well that is very descriptive.

Stonewall: General Ironwood's description not mine. Let's get this over with.

The team walks up to the town. As they walk into the town's borders, Elsa Inverno emerges from behind a building.

Elsa: Stonewall?

Stonewall: Commander, ma'am.

Elsa: I see you all are here. Shall we begin?

Elsa begins to walk into the village followed by SSMR. The team begins to spread out among the town.

Magnus: I don't understand. The town just seems abandoned.

Solomon: Could be the Grimm?

Stonewall: Or something else?

Elsa: Stay focused. We need a scout.

Stonewall: Solomon, Regen that's you two. Move up.

Regen: Yes sir.

Regen and Solomon take off into the town.

Stonewall: Magnus, take up the high ground.

Magnus: Sir, with respect, I don't believe I'm up to it.

Elsa: Doesn't matter get- (Stonewall puts his hand up to stop her)

Stonewall: You'll be fine, Magnus.

Magnus: Stone, you sure?

Stonewall: You're the only one I trust. Go.

Magnus: Y-yes sir.

Magnus takes off and leaps onto building and begins to run off while looking through his pistol's scopes.

Elsa: Perhaps my command style-

Stonewall: Commander, with respect. I'll command my team the way I desire it.

Elsa: So be it.

The two begin to walk through the town. _________________________________________________________

Solomon and Regen are walking through the town, still surveying the area.

Regen: I don't know why we're here. Everyone's dead or gone.

Solomon: Stay focused. And try to hold some hope. People could just be hiding.

Regen: Why?

Solomon: Maybe they're afraid.

Regen: Of us?

Solomon: Well, Stonewall said a potential bandit attack was possible.

Regen: Yeah.

Solomon: Come on we got... to... keep- Oh God!

Regen: Geez!

Solomon and Regen make it to the edge of the town only to see the villagers of the town murdered in cool blood as bodies line the boarder of the town.

Team FLME Anthology Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now