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i hiss in pain. "you have got to be kidding," i mutter to myself. i have just spilled hot chocolate on my white blouse. i grab some nearby napkins and try to rub out the brown stain.

i sigh. the stain is just too... i can't even think of a word. i am stressing out so much. i feel tired and frustrated and i am already late for my sixth audition in one month. i don't bother changing. i grab my bag head out to the JYP building for my audition.


i enter the intimidating building before me. my heart starts racing. i smile at the rising adrenaline. i am ready, i think to myself.

i walk towards a door labeled audition room. i stop in my tracks as someone blocks me. he is tall with dark brown hair. he is wearing a suit with a name tag the says jung yeunheo and sunglasses are hanging from his shirt. he looks me up and down with disgust.

"you must be here for the auditions," he says.

"i- i-" knowing i seem to not be able to form words, i just nod, shutting my mouth.

he scoffs. "you actually think you have a chance at doing this?"

i open my mouth to answer but he raises his hand, gesturing politely to shut up. i close my mouth.

"i don't mean passing the auditions and merely becoming a trainee," he tells me. "i mean actually debuting as a star."

i gulp. i know i can but i can't seem to answer.

"another wannabe," he states bluntly. "let me give you an advice, kiddo." i cringe slightly at the name. i'm a 19-year-old girl, i mean, woman. "stop trying."

i blink. it's those two words again. yeunheo turns and walks away. that gives me a sign to leave the building.


i step into another building which is more inviting than the another one. once i enter, my nose grabs an aroma of coffee beans. i inhale and exhale then went to grab my usual seat. only to see that it was taken by a guy with a red shirt.

i frown.

"ya!" someone yells. the person who is sitting on my seat and i and probably the rest of the cafe jumped at the volume of the voice. i turn to see the source of the voice and smile when i see my best friend in her green apron, rita. "go find somewhere else to sit," she tells red shirt. he nods and goes somewhere else.

"thanks, ree," i thank her as i take my seat.

she shrugs. "what's with the long face?"

i am about to reply when she speaks again.

"nevermind, i know. audition?"

i purse my lips.

"want the usual?"

"yeah," i reply.

"be right back."

i sigh once she leaves. i take out my laptop and turn it on to see pages of well-written songs i was supposed to show to whoever was going to see my audition. i frown at them. i move the cursor towards the trash can on the first page and was about to click the word delete on a message that popped up telling me that if i delete there was no way i was getting it back. i nearly made the biggest mistake of my life but thanks to a familiar guy who takes his seat in front of me, i didn't do it.

i look up to see his face in confusion. a mask covers the bottom half of his face but I know very well who it is.

i widen my eyes. i haven't seen him since high school.

"fancy seeing you here," he says with a genuine smile.

end of prologue

everything from chapter 1 will be what happened before the prologue.

hope you enjoy reading this!!!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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