"Sorry Billy, My Aunt and Uncle wanted me to be with them for a while." I said looking down at Billy's drawing.

"That's OK, you're here now ain't ha?" Billy said smiling at me before adjusting his colored pencils.

That's, lady and Gentlemen, is when Ty Flemmings decided to bump into Billy, causing a few pencils to knock over.

"You're a freak you know that?" Ty said making me roll my eyes.

"And you're a dumbass you know that?" I shot back going to pick the fallen pencils up off the floor, but Ty had the nerve to shove me rather hard back in my seat.

"Hey you better watch your mouth Bitch, and you, Cranston." Ty said making my Jaw drop in surprise.

Should I handle this myself, or let my brother kick his ass for me?

"I've had to sit here for weeks, watching you play with your damn pencils-"

"Woah, wait, no one's forcing you to watch him Ty-" I started, only to be cut off.

"SHUT. UP." Ty yelled, not making me flinch in the slightest.

"How about you go and get one more huh?" Ty said breaking a pencil in half before throwing it on the floor.

That's when Jason decided to step in and shove Ty away from us.

"What are you, five?" Jason asked, putting me behind him protectively (We were all standing at this point)

"Hi, I'm Jason. It's my first time here.It's exciting! You must be the bully of detention, how dumb can you be?" Jason asked.

"Very dumb, he can be very dumb." I said earning a few laughs from the other students.

Ty then thought it would be smart to try and actually hit Jason, who just merley dodged the sad attempts.

I've never would've expected what happened next...


Jason slapped Ty!

Why didn't I freaking record that?!?!




'Did you just slap me?" Ty asked making me laugh.

"Yeah I did, weird right?" Jason started making me laugh even more.

" Now I'm gonna be here every day for what seems like the rest of my life,
and I'm sure that you are too. So let's make a deal."

" Don't sit near me or him, and definitely don't let me catch you with your hands on my sister again, then we'll be ok" Jason said.

You tell him Jason!

The teacher finally decided to speak up.

"Okay. I approved homework... Or being under better choices..." Mr.Lance said, as Kimberly Hart, my distant friend suddenly stood up.

"I need to go to the ladies room." Kimberly said before quickly walking out of the room.

"Okay. And good morning." Mr.Lance answered as Kimberly left in a hurry.

I wonder what's wrong, I hope it's not about those photos.

"Well this was just a lovely day in detention now wasn't it?" I asked looking up at Billy who chuckled nervously.

"Y-Yeah I guess it was more, uh evental than a normal detention.


"Hey thanks for that in there you guys." Billy said making me smile.

"No worries, I hate guys like that." Jason said as we made our way down the stairs.

"Yeah." Billy said looking down.

"Oh so, hey, we should hang out sometime huh? Not that we had to,
I think tonight we should." Says Billy nervously making me raise an eyebrow.

"What's your name again?" Jason asked.


"Billy Cranston."

"Or William Cranston. Remember Ty use to call me
"Billie Cramp stones". As a third grade joke like Billy Cramp stone is a crayon in his butt.
Which I didn't. But it is really impossible
to cram a ton of crayons in your butt." Billy rambled making me smile.

"Billy I would love to hang out tonight, but mister 'decide to do dangerous pranks without his sister' got under house arrest." I said glaring playfully at Jason, making him roll his eyes at me.

"Yeah Billy, I would love to hang out, but I would honestly hang out with you
but I have a date every night with
the Angel Grove Sheriff's department, so I'm sorry." Jason stated, descending farther down the stairs.

"Wait! No, no, no.Don't leave, don't leave. Hey. Alright, so, I don't really
expect for us to hang out..Truth is I need to get somewhere tonight,
and I could really use your help." Billy pleaded.

"Ooh do you need a getaway driver? I could totally- MRFF" Jason put his hand over my mouth, muffling my words.

"Billy I hear you, but as I told you I have house arrest. There is nothing I can do about,
I am sorry." Jason stated, as I tried to remove his hand from my mouth.

"I mean, I can fix that.I know how to trick this in,
I have, I have tools." Billy said peaking my interest.

"Ooh breaking him out of house arrest, and me being a getaway driver, man it's my lucky day!!" I exclaimed, after finally getting his darned hand off my mouth.

"I have to be in my house before seven." Said Jason.

"Well, If you come to my house before seven, then I can fix it for you.
I also have a car, or access to a car.And If you decide to help me,
you can have the car for a few hours." Billy Bargained.

"Sounds like a plan, right old Brother of mine?" I asked looking up at Jason.

"Sounds like a plan." Jason agreed.

"Yes! Oh, and I'm driving! By Billy, see you later!" I exclaimed, skipping down the stairs to Dad's jeep.

"NOT WHILE I'M ALIVE YOU WON'T" Jason shouted making me laugh.


A/N: So here it is folks, the very first official chapter of Power Of Silver. Now, I'll try my best to hold a schedule for every friday for updates, BUT I might just update tomorrow as well since I am rewatching the movie tomorrow. OH and one more thing, I promise the story will get more clean as the chapters go on OK? Peace out ya'll.

P.S: I have forgotten the names of the Ed Sheeran looking dude, if I figure out his actual name tomorrow, I'll change it to the appropriate name.
P.S.S: I tend to edit my stories in a better format after it's complete. I want this story to have at least 20 parts.

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