//preference 2//

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How you met

Neymar: You had just finished your studies and finally passed your final exams, so you decided to go on holidays on your own. Due to your job (that you will discover another time), you had been invited to a big pool party, where some famous people went too. You loved partying so it didn't bother you to go alone, because you knew that you would still enjoy the event.
You were already at the party for 1 hour, and even if there was a good athmosphere, you didn't enjoy the thing as much as you thought. You then decided to go to the bar and order a drink to think about things on your own. It was kind of frustrating for you to see all those people partying like hell with there friends and then to see you on your own at the bar. You were the only one that was at the bar when someone sat next to you. You were focused on your drink and didn't bothered to see who was the other person.
<<- Hey, why are you at the bar alone? the person asked.
It was a male voice but you still didn't look at him.
- I'm drinking to forget, you answered in a sarcastic way.
- Well it's pretty cool to drink while partying but not when you're on your own, if you have any issues with alcohol you know that you can see a professional.>>
It made you laugh and look at him, wow, what a handsome man, he had a little smile on his face that was kind of cute. You both started to talk and you were now enjoying this pool party. He presented you some of his friends and they quickly realised a thing, you hadn't recognized Neymar Jr at all. So they talked with you about football to see your knowledge about it.
<< - And, hmm, do you know any brazilian players? one of his friends asked.
- Well, yes, Marcelo, Rafinha, Marquinhos, Neymar, you were stopped by Neymar himself when he asked you something.
- Neymar? What do you think of him as a player? he had a small grin.
- I think he's a good player, yes, but, I remember that sometimes I asked myself why he was always at the ground during the matches.>>
All the boys laughed at what you said, and then they explained you that you were talking with Neymar himself since the beginning. You laughed because you were a bit ashamed but also because you thought it was pretty funny and you continued to talk until the end of the party.

Mesut: You were in Hyde Park having a little jog. You liked this time of the week, on the sunday morning, it was only you and the nature. You loved London because it was a beautiful city and there was also places where you could feel like in the countryside, well with the car noises added. It was really early in the morning, you could see the sun rising. The sunday morning was your favorite thing in the world, well it was maybe exagerated but you liked to say that, you loved to jog and you could only do it this day. Today wasn't different, you were in the middle of your jogging track and you still were full of beans. You were in your bubble, dreaming as always and feeling like floating on the ground when reality hits you. A football ball literally hits you and made you fall from your little cloud, it made you fall to the ground too. It wasn't a child who shot in the ball, it was so powerful that you thought your head could have fell of your body. You were laying on the ground, groaning all your pain. Your head hurted and you had your hand on it. You tried to put yourself in a sitting position when you saw a man coming to your direction. He was making apologizes to you and had a little grin on him, it was too much for you and you started to see not in red but in black.
<< - You little dumbass, you killed my head with your stupid meteorite and you still wearing this shitty smile! You can be sure that i'll find you and kill you in your sleep! you were screaming at him with a look that said everything.
- Wow calm down, I'm really sorry about that I didn't meant to shoot you at all. Now if I can advise you something, you should stop talking and insulting me so that I can bring you to put some ice.
- I'm neither shutting my mouth nor coming with you nowhere, you tried to do a homicide on me you crazy dick! you wanted to keep insulting him but your head hurted to much that you let out a small moan.
- See you're hurting yourself while insulting me. Now come with me and i'll heal you to be forgiven for that. It wasn't intentional, he said with a deep voice that didn't left you with no feelings.>>
He helped you to get up while you still had your hand on your head, and you were still whining but you tried to do it with a low voice.
<< -I'm Mesut by the way, he said looking at you while you were both walking.
- I'm Y/N, but you can call me your next nightmare, you looked at him with anger in your eyes but he started to laugh softly and you did too.>>
You walked to an icecream stand that was just opening and while you were waiting for your head to calm down, you both talked, but you were still being sarcastic about what happened.

Antoine: You worked at Starbucks because school wasn't your thing and the studies you had signed for didn't suit you. It was not your dream job but you had to get money anyway. You went to work at 8:00 am as usual and started your day. You saw some clients that came every days and served them their drinks. You also had sometimes to serve the clients at their tables. You had a plate full of hot coffees and went to a table, but before you could head to it someone bumped into you. The starbucks was full of people and you had your coffees all over you and your plate on the ground. Nice, what a wonderful day. You swore loudly and then realised that it wasn't the best thing to do with all the people around you. You turned to go and search something to clean the floor before cleaning yourself but you bumped into someone again.
<<- Wow, two times in a row, are you a bumper car or something?
It was a young man, a handsome young man with amazing blue eyes. You realised that you were kind of admiring him and then got shocked of how he could be an ass to not even think of apologize.
- Wow too, don't you think you could at least apologize for making me fail my command? I don't know if you've noticed but I am working now you stupid, you said with an ironic ton.
You rolled your eyes and then went to take a floorcloth. When you came back to the spot where coffee was laying on the ground, the man was still here and looked softer than before.
- Hey, sorry for not being really diplomatic. I'm sorry for that, he pointed the floor, and that too, he smiled as he pointed you all covered of coffee.
- See, it's not that hard to say sorry, you looked up to give him a smile.>>
After you finished to clean the floor, you went to change yourself and came back to work. You had just finished a command when another went, it was the guy. You asked him what he wanted and he told you that he wanted a latte with your number in addition. You laughed and gave him his coffee with a paper, there was your number on it but you had'nt put the 3 last numbers. You've had written: It's a loyalty card, each visit gives you a number.
He smiled and leaved by waving his hand.

Hugo: You were in the streets of London going home after a long day of work. Streets were quite full at this time of the day but you still enjoyed walking down those streets. London was the city of your heart. You were exhausted but you noticed a pretty dress in a shopwindow. You stopped walking and started to observe it, thinking if you should buy it or not. Your tiredness helping, you stood next to the shop admiring the clothes. It was a tough decision to make. You didn't like to spread your money on things you were not sure to use or wear. You decided to take a picture of the dress and to send it to your best friend to ask her opinion. While you were taking it, someone came to your side looking at the same thing as you. After sending the text, you looked at the person next to you. A tall dark hair guy was looking at the shopwindow.
<<-Pretty dress isn't it? you asked him.
- Well, yeah, it's a nice one, I'm sure it could look good on you, he smiled at you.
You thought that it was quite a weird thing to say to a stranger so it made you feel a bit insecure. You looked at him and then a little light turned on in your head: you knew him, he was the goalkeeper of your favourite football team. Your feelings changed and your insecurity disappeared. You felt proud of the compliment. But you didn't want to let him know that you knew him so you started to act cool.
- Yeah, everything looks good on me, you said cockily.
Maybe acting cool wasn't made for you. You were embarassed so you laughed nervously. He laughed too, you felt released.
- You're confident as I see, that's great.
- Why are you looking at that dress, is it just to flirt with me? you raised an eyebrow.
- No, I just wanted to look if it could suit me. >>
You both laughed and he asked you your name, then you exchanged your numbers and he told you that he would contact you soon. This long day at work became a pretty good day after all.

So here is my second chapter, hope you'll like that I tried to do a longer version of it
See you👑

//football preferences//Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora