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Carolyn is a 19 years old girl, who lives with her mother and stepfather. She's the kind of girl who has a hard life, doesn't have very much friends and likes to sit alone in her room, listen to music, block out the whole wrold and think about the future. She works at a DVD/CD store (New Vintage was the name) with a friend from school : Ethan.

Everyday, she gets back from work, sits on her bed, plugs her earphones, blasts Black Veil Brides. (Her favorite band) and sits there for hours, thinking. Ethan always thought Carolyn was intriguing... He was determined to know why Carolyn didn't open up, didn't talk much and was pretty much the whole time in a bad mood. 

Once, at work, it was Carolyn and Ethan's lunch break. He asked her if she wanted to go out have a coffee, she agreed. He tried to get her to open up, but she wouldn't talk. "So.. What kind of music do you like ?" He said.

"Black Veil Brides."

"I've never listened to them.. Are they any good ?"

"Well, yeah obviously, they're my favorite."

Ethan didn't know how to answer. He thought it was probably one of the days where Carolyn was in a pretty bad mood. "Favorite color ?"


"Oh.. Isn't the weather a little too hot for you to be wearing long sleeve sweatshirts ?"

"It is, but I don't like to show my arms."

"Why ? You can tell me, we've been friends since kindergarten."

"It's nothing."

"Of course it's not nothing if you don't want to show your hands.. Come on Carolyn."

She rolled up her sleeves. Her arms were almost full of scars. Ethan was very shocked, he didn't know what to tell her. "How did you get those ?" He said shyly.

"I did them. With the blade of a razor."

"Why ?"

"Every scar means something. I might not remember what each of them means, but I know I cut for a reason. "

"What reason was the last one for ? Sorry if I'm being too curious.."

"It's okay.. It was because my stepfather insulted me.. He always does that.. And sometimes he beats me.. "

"Why didn't you tell anyone Carolyn ?"

"He threatens me."

"How ? What does he say ?"

"We're late, lunch break's over." She said nervously, then got up and got back to the store. Ethan was happy he was finally getting somewhere with Carolyn's story.

Back at the music store, Carolyn wasn't talking to Ethan. Like if they never had that conversation at the café. She didn't even look him straight in the eye.. Like something embarrassing had happened. Their shift had ended, and they were getting ready to leave "Is that why you're always in a bad mood ? Because he beats you up and threatens you to tell ?" He says, worried she'll snap at him for being curious.

" I thought you understood that when I left the café it meant that I didn't want to talk about it Ethan. Drop it please."

"But Carolyn he could go to jail. All this none sense could end if you want it to! "

"How ? How do you want me to make its stop ? I don't even have proof because he always stops before I bleed so I won't have any proof ! Believe me, he's thought it trough, I'll never be able to tell anyone about it. And no one can know but you. Even my mother doesn't know." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2012 ⏰

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