Hyde walked into the kitchen from the patio and wrapped his arm around Marion's waist.

"Homework?" He questioned. "Ew." Marion laughed then scoffed.

"You know what?" Marion was about to tell him off, but realized she had no actual excuse. "Nevermind..."

"Yea." Hyde laughed. "Hey, what did you get on the test today?" Hyde asked, curious.

"I got an A. Why? What did you get?" Marion questioned.

"I failed." Hyde answered. Just then, Kitty walked into the kitchen and heard what Hyde said.

"Aw, Steven, you failed. I thought you would do better." Kitty said disappointed.

"I'm sorry, Mrs Forman. I'll try harder." Hyde apologized in all sincerity. Marion was surprised. Usually something like this just doesn't matter for Steven.

"Hey, Marion, why don't you help Steven with his homework?" Kitty asked her niece. Marion nodded and collected all her homework and took Steven's arm.

"Let's go downstairs and get started." Marion spoke. Hyde nodded and grabbed his books from the table and the two made their way to the basement where they were greeted with Donna and Eric making out on the couch. Hyde and Marion both looked at each other and sighed.

"Hey, take it outside. I got to do my homework here, Frenchie." Hyde announced. Marion followed and took a spot beside Donna as Hyde sat in his chair.

"Good one." Eric laughed. He then fell silent, leaving the room in an awkward tension. "Now, get out." Eric broke the silence.

"No, I'm serious, man. Your mom found out I failed a test." Hyde explained.

"Did she yell at you?" Donna asked, suddenly interested.

"No. But she said she was really disappointed. And then, before I knew what I was doing, I told her I'd try harder." Hyde explained some more.

"No." Donna refused. This wasn't the Hyde everyone knew. Hyde was a badass.

"No, this actually happened. I'm a witness." Marion added. Donna looked at the two surprised. Just then, Kitty came skipping down the stairs with two plates,, both with sandwiches.

"Now, here. I brought you two a sandwich to help you study." Kitty said as she placed down the sandwiches on the table in front of the teens.

"Thanks Mrs Forman." Hyde thanked, along with Marion's thanks. Kitty then looked at her son.

"Eric, Marion is going to help Steven study. Don't bother them." Kitty spoke.

"Oh, there won't be much studying here, Mom." Eric said quickly. As soon as he finished, Marion looked at her cousin wide eyed, and if Kitty wasn't in the room, she'd jump on top of him.

"Anyways, why don't you and Donna go up to your room?" Kitty then suggested, shaking off what Eric said. Quickly, Eric and Donna jumped to the chance and started making their way to the stairs, when Kitty realized what she had just said. "I mean, no, no. Bad idea. Just go outside to a, a well-lit supervised area and talk politely like decent young adults." Kitty changed.

"Gee, whizz, that sounds super, mom." Eric said sarcastically and he and Donna were being pushed out the back door. Once Eric and Donna left, Kitty turned around to the two. Hyde who had a sandwich in his mouth, and Marion who was flipping through his notes.

"You two, study hard." Kitty laughed, before racing up the stairs. As Marion was flipping through Hyde's notes, all she saw was little cartoon drawings.

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