11. new school- mixed

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I registered at the only high school in mystic falls it's also the school the slut known as Elana Gilbert goes to. Stefan changed his time table to match mine and Damon is teaching us history and free period. I'm just happy my boys decided to allow me to tag along.

I even have English and calculus with Tyler who knew ty who is a jock had a brain. But I guess there's lots of things people don't say for all types of reasons many of which are probably bad for somebody or their just too privet.

The day was pretty much quiet until I heard what I had compelled the teachers to tell me. I ran to find my children

My mother found Stefan and I in the lunch room. Stefan and I were talking to Tyler and Matt some of our cousins. When mother came running in.

I asked, "isa what's wrong?"

Mum says, "where about to get a family of cold ones in rolling in school and they'll recognise me and one might think I love him but he's delusional and keep your guard up one can sense your emotions, see the future and read your mind. "

I asked, "how do you know all this?"

Mum said, "I had wanted to know what they were so I got close to the weak link and he kinda stuffed up so I said vamp and I guessed correctly..blar brar blar then we played base ball and got a coven of cold one on my ass and they killed one then his mate is trying to kill me and the other is trying to find me"

Wholy shit my mother's a danger magnet

I cannot believe how bad ass my mum is she knowingly hung around cold ones when she finished her story I couldn't believe they left her in danger while under the assumption that she was human.

The biggest thing she told us that major Jasper whitlock is a cold one. They strutted through school like they owned the place.  I saw their head snap in the direction of our mother Stefan and I pushed her behind us but she grabbed us by the hand and pushed us both behind her. In an attempt at protecting us.

When Jasper saw our faces he was starting to remember what he is.....who he is .... and most of all who his mate really is and what hell he or she went to to see him with another to really witness him showing affection in front of them with another and the absolute gut reaching pain the person went through everytime their mate made love to another.

His eyes were flowing with tears that threatened to escape. I saw mother relax knowing they'd think of us as humans and she ran at human pace at first until we were out of human sight range than sped away with inhuman speed.

Our mothers second mate ran to follow then realizing we were still here and if we didn't join our mother soon she'd come looking for the both of us sooner rather than later. All I could do was glare at him. He was suppose to be the other half of her already partly decaying heart thanks to our father. But he didn't care about what she went through or what he had done all he cared about was the pain of the mate bond slowly breaking.

The only person who could possibly fix the bond is my mother. I know she won't she's more likely to flip her switch.

Jasper gasped out in pain, "NO! DONT LEAVE ME!"

Damon asked , "what?!"

I replied , "she flicked her switch didn't she ?"

Jasper slowly nodded. I knew my loving caring mother was gone.

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