I Lied

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Nicki pov

I've just woken up from my sleep it was only 2 hours anyway. I didn't want to really go to school but I just put on some joggers and matching jacket with some sneakers it was a lazy kind of day. I picked up my bag and grabbed my keys and went down stares, thankfully no one was up so I just woke micaiah up and got him ready for school then we both grabbed a apple and left before my mother got up because I didn't want to talk about last night.

"Come on caiah Hurry" as I shoved him into the backseat of my BMW "sissy don't rush me I have to tie my shoe" he explained " well I got to get you to school so let's go" I replied.

We Got to ps45 and I dropped him off. And I hurried off to school and when I got to the door thembi was there waiting on me we greeted eachother and walk downstairs to the drama department. I was sleepy as hell but luckily we only did some warmups and practices for the play then we just had a break the rest of the day.

"Come on thembi let's leave early because we not going anything and I got to go a few places" I said "you sure I don't like that idea I'll go ask" thembi replied scared. "Hey mr. Johansson can me and nick leave early we got some news that we have to go home for,please" she asked "well since we aren't doing anything today You girls can go"....." but only if you promise to practice tonight the play is in a week" he sighed. "Ok okay thank you we won't let you down" we exclaimed.

"Well thank god we got out of that" I said "your badder than I thought, what were you planning on doing anyway" she said as I smirked and laugh lightly "well I need to get some new close then I'm hungry and I need to find Aaron and yeah I think I might have to stay a your house for awhile" I rambled "wait hold on slow down you said shopping,eating, find Aaron and what why do you need to talk to Aaron first and secondly why are staying at my house girl" she says as I gave her a cheesy smile "well me and Aaron kind On got into a fight because I wouldn't give myself to him and...." she interrupted me "wait I told you not to be with him you know what he wants but ho on I mean go on" she says and we both just laughed " uhhh... I caught yo lil insult but he hasn't talked to me since and I was thinking last night that maybe I shouldn't be with but I don't know and I have to stay at your house because I was at his house last night and I got home at like 3 and my mom is probably waiting on me to talk about it when I get home because she said she wasn't done with me and she was going to tell my dad so I don't want to talk to them or get I trouble with my father so" I explained. "Well that was a lot but I'll ask my mom and see if you can but I can probably only keep you there until 10... okay" I nodded yes and we got in my car and drove to the mall then hot beef pattys and arizona's. Then I called Aaron he answered on the 4th ring "what the hell you want" he says "well I was just calling to check on you we haven't talked since last night and I want to talk to you" I sighed "ummmm.... I'm busy right now so I don't really want to talk to you after you left me after what I gave you" he says "well I'm sorry I just don't want to give myself up yet I'm only 16 what do you expect we shouldn't have been doing it anyway and I told you to stop so don't get mad at me because yo tried to force it on me" I screamed "really nicki I'm your boyfriend I'm suppose to Please you I understand that you don't want to give it up but if you really didn't want it and wasn't going to return the favor you should have really stopped me" he screamed and I felt s little heartbroken "okay....Aaron I see how it is i....tried to stop you and you know it....so don't try to put this........never mind you just don't talk to me you've been trying to get into my pants since we started dating just don't even try to talk to me anymore we just might be threw with eachother" I yelled into the phone " I don't care bout you girl I see...... never mind I will be showing up to your house to talk about this" he assured " no you want my mother doesn't even like you and you can't be there so don't bother" I replied "well watch me cause your mine" then he hung up the phone on me before i could even respond.

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