The hedgehog with the golden chest fur

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One day, you and your boyfriend were taking a walk outside. You both held hands and smiled at each other. "I love you __________," he said. "I love you too," you said back. (The boyfriend's name is the name of your choice.) You both kissed each other passionately as you two stopped. You two were both enjoying the birds, sun, and sky in the beautiful sunny afternoon. He then took you home, and said, "Goobye, Cutie Pie," and he booped your nose. "Goodbye, Sweetie," you said, booping back. You then spun around the room, feeling happy and fuzzy and alive. Some time later, it was the evening, and you decided to go for a walk. You then started to talk to yourself as you walked. "My boyfriend is so amazing," you said, happily. "I knew I would find the one." Suddenly, you heard a voice. It spoke, "Oh have you...Cutie Pie?~" It asked. "Who's there?!" You asked, jumping. "Baby? __________? Are you there?" You looked around, trying to find the source of the voice. You then gave up, and went back to walking. When you did, you jumped as you saw someone in your way. It was a silver hedgehog with golden chest fur, smirking at you. "Hello there you~," he said, speaking in a seductive tone. "Um...hello...?" You asked, slowly. He then walked to you. "So, you say you have found the one?~" He asked. "Yes...," you said, feeling weird. "I wouldn't be too sure about that~," he said. "Well how do you know?" You asked. "I don't even know you." He then took your hand. "I am Venice~," he said, kissing it. "Venice the Hedgehog~." You then immediately took your hand away. "Well for your information, Venice," you began. "I have an amazing boyfriend. He's sweet, charming, and he would never do anything bad to me." "If you're sure~," he said. "Just don't be too serious~." You blushed slowly at his tone and his voice. You hid your face, and said, "You're a creep!" Venice laughed, a bit evil-like. "Oh am I?~" He asked. "Yes! Goodbye!" You yelled and ran off. He watched as you ran off, and smirked. You ran back home, and to your bedroom. You laid on your bed, and said, "He's wrong. I am serious enough to know that my boyfriend is the one. Why would he think that? Not like that creep's gonna fall in love with me or something." You then got in the sheets, and eventually, went to sleep.

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