Chapter One

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Bad Influence

Chapter One

   The Texas highway that night was empty and dark. Not a star shone in the sky that night. The scene was a symbol of utmost peace, that was until a dark red Challenger plowed through the peacefulness, speeding thirty miles over the speed limit.

   Behind the wheel of said car was a girl around the age of twenty-five. Her black painted fingernails tapped against the wheel to the rhythm of Marilyn Manson on the radio as she leaned back. She was in a hurry, just wasn't too sure where to yet.

   This persona immediately melted away once the girl's blue eyes spotted a dog on the side of the road. From where she was from, it looked like a Golden Retriever. What was such a thing doing here alone in the middle of the highway. The car screeched to a stop, and its owner stepped out almost immediately. She wrapped her leather jacket closer around her to guard herself from the cold desert night.

   The woman walked around to the other side to greet the animal, who wagged his tail at a new person. She smiled softly and petted between his ears before checking for a collar. The collar was there, but the address was not.

   A rustle was heard in the distance. The girl's blue eyes shot up before they narrowed. Her fingers clasped around the collar, ready to lead the animal into the car.

   "Where do you think you're going?" a voice said behind her. The woman simply ignored it as she loaded the dog into her passenger seat and shut it with her foot. She leant against her car and smirked.

   "So, what's the deal here? You take an innocent dog and use it as bait for a nighttime robbery?" The girl played with her fingernails as a smirk appeared on her lips.

   "Wow, this one has some balls," he said as he walked closer to the car. From the headlights, the woman could see the man was much taller than her and wearing a mask. More importantly, she could see he wasn't alone. Instead he was followed by two other men.

   "What you want? Money? Because if so you will be very disappointed," she said as she watched them all. None of them had guns from what she could tell, but they were brandishing knives instead.

   "How about you give us your car keys and then we'll all get in and go for a ride?" the man to the left said with a laugh.

   "Honey, I don't think you could handle me," the girl said as she stood straighter. "If you want my keys, you're going to have to come take them."

   "With pleasure," the man in the front said. He approached her. The girl smirked, idiot.

   As soon as he got close enough, the girl easily grabbed his arm and twisted it, snapping it easily. He let out a yell, and the girl picked up the fallen knife.

   "If you are going to rob someone, you should know how to fight," she said as she kicked the man on his back and looked at the other two.

   The man on the right growled and nodded before the two charged at her at once. The girl easily dodged away from one before slashing at the man's arm. The other went from her side, but she easily kicked him away. This deterred neither of them as the once ran again. This time she drove the knife into the first man's shoulder, kicking him down with his fallen friend. The girl smirked, but was unfortunately distracted. The other man ran from behind and held a knife to her throat. He laughed into her ear. The man's breath was hot on her neck and smelt of alcohol.

   "Oh, me and you are going to have so much fun," he purred and nipped at her ear. The girl let out a growl before reaching over. She grabbed a piece of his arm with her teeth, tasting blood. As quickly as she could, she pulled away, tearing a hole in the man's arm. Blood sprayed the ground and her face. The man yelled and fell to his knees. The girl punched him in the nose, and he fell limp.

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