-00- I Think I Love You... But You Kind of Scare me

Start from the beginning

"No we're sorry!" said the first guy, his blonde hair ruffling slightly as he himself straightened. His eyes creased slightly as he smiled down at me.

"Are you guys getting off too?" I asked, leaning against the door of my compartment door to let them past me.

"Yeah," they said in unison, as they both shuffled past me, to the compartment next to mine, before reaching up and starting to pull down their luggage. They put their suitcases on the train's black floor, before turning back around.

"We live there," grinned the blonde boy. The other boy looked down at his companion and sighed.

"Oh, you two were next to me all along," I laughed, "I'm Lauryn Banks-Henderson by the way. Laurie," I smiled my flashiest smile, extending my hand and shaking their hands.

"I'm Jack," said the blonde boy, "And this is my brother Kane,"

He pointed at the taller, more cuter boy with black hair. Kane nodded but didn't say anything. He just reached down and grabbed his suitcase, slipping back into his compartment. Jack sighed, rolling his eyes and smiling at me again.

"Don't mind him, he just gets that way around pretty girls," I blushed, and reached up to grab my suitcase. As I pulled it, the suitcase fell from my hands and started slipping from the racks. In one fluid movement, Jack caught the suitcase and set it down on the ground. In that movement, he also managed to graze my cheek gently. I was taken aback by how strong his hands seemed.

"There you go," he smiled, passing the large suitcase to my slightly shaking hands, "That was pretty close,"

"Yeah," I breathed. "Hey, do you think I could stay in your compartment for the rest of the journey? I'm kinda lonely,"

But I truly wanted to get to know Jack and Kane, especially Kane, just a bit better. After all, they were going to be staying in the same town as me, I may as well get to know some locals. I put my suitcase and two other, smaller bags into my compartment before following Jack.

"Sure! My bro will lighten up, he really will," laughed Jack, opening the door and slipping through it. I slid in after him.

"Sit here," Jack ushered to the seat opposite Kane and him. I nodded, sitting down.

"So what brings you to little old Shingle?" asked Jack, leaning back in his seat. I noticed the tensed abs his stomach possesed. I tried not to roll my eyes. I know it sounds a bit up myself, but a lot of guys try to impress me. My Mom is beautiful, I guess I kinda inherited it. It's hard to know, I've only really had Penelope to tell me I look great.

"Visiting my Dad," I replied, "So you two are locals?"

"As local as they come," laughed Jack, "Been living in Shingle since 1780 I think,"

"You guys?" I laughed. It was a weird joke to make.

"Nah, our ancestors," Jack smiled, "So what school are you supposed to be going to?"

"Uhm..." I reached into my back pocket of my jeans and retrieved the letter with the information about Shingle that Dad had sent me, "'Madame Gloriana's Academy'?"

Jack and Kane exchanged looks, Kane raising his eyebrows and his lips tightened.

"Cool, we go there," Jack said slowly.

"Great, then I'll have some friends," I smiled. Kane nodded but then stopped as something caught his eye.

"What's that under your shirt?" he asked. I stared at him for a few seconds then realized what he meant. Again, this had everything to do with the sad passes that guys make at me. I mean seriously, why can't you be a bit more romantic?

I Think I Love You... But You Kind of Scare me (The Academy Series)Where stories live. Discover now