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I had later that day got a text from Will, asking if we wanted to meet up in the next hour. Of course, I replied with a yes, and dropped Caleb off at nursery before walking further into town. I dressed in dark jeans and a black top with cropped sleeves, my heels and a pair of sunglasses.

I made my way through town and managed to arrive on time. I pushed open the door and walked inside to the jingle of the bell from above. I smiled at the lady behind the counter and went over to the window, taking a seat at a table for two. Another woman handed me a menu, and I asked for another one for Will. She set one down just as he walked in.

He sat opposite me and grinned, taking off his jacket and scarf.

‘’Hey, how are you?’’ He stood up and hugged me, kissing my cheek.

‘’I’m fantastic thanks. And you?’’

‘’Brilliant. How’s Cae?’’ he asked, grabbing the menu from my hands.

‘’He’s good too, settling into nursery quite well actually. I thought it would be a real struggle but he’s taking it all in his stride’’.

‘’That’s good. You know what you want? I’ll go order, it’s my turn to pay anyway’’.

I nodded and asked for a cappuccino and a blueberry muffin. Will returned with everything on a tray and I thanked him.

‘’So, you got the wedding invite then?’’ He asked, biting into his cake.


‘’What?’’ He asked, furrowing his eyebrows together.

I sighed, ‘’You know what.’’

‘’Dan?’’ I nodded, ‘’There’s nothing to be worried about with Dan. He’s…so different. But in a good way. He’s grown up so much and he’s so dedicated to music now, he hardly ever leaves the house unless it’s for a gig or something. Which is pretty sad now I think about it’’. We both chuckled and I drank some cappuccino.

‘’Will?’’ He looked up at me, ‘’Does Dan ever…does he ever ask about me, at all?’’

I bowed my head and rested my hands in my lap. It was a difficult subject for me to talk about. It had been three years and I wanted to know if he still thought about me, even if he didn’t contact me.

‘’I just want to know if he still maybe thinks about me, if I ever cross his mind at all, you know?’’.

Will smiled.

‘’Yeah, he asked about you before I came up here. Between you and me, I reckon the lads still in love with you. We have an album coming out, just listen to it, you’ll understand everything then’’.

I thought for a while before Will cut in again,

‘’He also asked if you’d be at the wedding, so you’d better show up. We don’t want to disappoint him do we?’’

You mean like he disappointed me?

Cast No Shadow {sequel to Better Judgement} -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now