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Evan layed in his bed, the moon creating an eerie glow in his room. When he had gotten home from school, he immediately texted Connor. He never responded, so Evan took it as a sign that Connor changed his mind about wanting to talk to him. His texts went like this:

Evan: hey Connor, just wanted to make sure you're alright..

Evan: are you?

Evan: I guess you're busy, I'm sorry. Talk to you at school maybe?

Evan re-read his messages, feeling embarrassed because he sent so many messages. Evan felt his eyes well up a bit, but quickly blinked them away. He set his phone on his bedside table. Sighing, he turned over and fell asleep. Sometime later during the night, Evan's phone went off.

Connor: Hey ev, sorry for not texting back. I'm fine now I guess.

Connor sat on his bed. It was nearly 3am, but he rarely slept much. His mind whirled with thoughts of Evan, and the moments they shared the previous day. He hadn't really noticed before, but he honestly found the anxious boy adorable. He wanted to get to know him better, and possibly, become more than friends. He shook his head at the stupid thought, turning out his lamp and settling down for the night.

(Time skip brought to you by the insanely gay Jared kleinman.)

Evan woke up, looking at his phone for notifications. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw Connor's name. He smiled weakly and continued to get ready for the day, looking forward to seeing Connor again.

Connor awoke to the sound of a harsh knocking on his door. "Connor, get your ass up and get ready for school!" Larry Murphy yelled through the closed door. Groaning, Connor heaved himself out of bed. As he was brushing out his hair, Zoe strides into his room. She gave him a devilish look. "So.. I heard you and that Evan kid were getting pretty close outside." Connor's face turned bright red, clenching his fists. "Fuck off, Zoe." He growled. Zoe threw her hands up. "Hey, don't get angry at me just because you're as straight as a rainbow." Connor spun to face her. "And what's so wrong with that?" He asked in a low voice. Zoe didn't look intimidated at the slightest. "Nothings wrong with it, and I support you. But dad probably won't." Connor looked away. He and Larry never got along, they basically despised eachother. Connor wasn't surprised his father was homophobic. "Whatever, just don't tell him okay?" Connor asked, looking Zoe in the eyes. "I wont. You may be an asshole, but you're still my brother. Now come downstairs, breakfast is done." She walked out, closing the door behind her. Connor sat on his bed, head in his hands as he thought to himself.
How do I confess my feelings to Evan? He's probably straight.. and who am I kidding, why would he like the school druggie? The only reason he intervened before you could end it was because he felt pity.
Connor closed his eyes, tears beginning to stain his cheeks. After a few minutes, he decided he would confess to Evan, even if it might ruin their friendship.

(Time skip brought to you by your friendly neighborhood spiderman.)

Connor waited impatiently by Evan's locker, silently rehearsing what he was planning to say in his mind. During his train of thought, a familiar face appeared a few feet from him. Connor stood straight and faced Evan. Evan cocked his head to the side, confused as to why Connor looked so nervous.
"Uh... Ev, can I tell you something?" He asked tentatively. "O-of course!" He squeaked in surprise. Connor closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I don't know how to say this, so I'm just going to be blunt. I.. I like you, Evan." He opened his eyes and looked into Evan's blue ones. He saw surprise and fear etched in them, which made his heart drop. "I-I.. uhm.. I'm f-flattered Connor, b-but I.." Connor looked down at his boots, the feeling of rejection overwhelming him. As Evan was still trying to stutter out his sentence, Connor just pushed past him without another word. "W-wait! Connor!" Evan yelled after him. Connor ignored him as he made his way down the long hallways and out behind the school. He sat down beside the brick of the building, staring off into the dense foliage of the trees lining the edges.
How could I have been so fucking stupid? Of course he didn't like you. No one does. You're just a freak.
Connor suddenly couldn't control it anymore, he began to sob. All of his feelings and pent up emotions coming out in this action. His head spinning, Connor decides on what he's going to do. He stands up, wiping his watery eyes and continues to the trees. As he passes through the forestry and to the overpass near the school, he makes his way up until he's around the middle. Cars speed by without a care in the world, oblivious to what Connor was about to do. He slowly climbed over the stone wedges framing and standing drastically close to the edge. Cars sped by from both directions below him. He gazed once more at the blue sky.
You're alone.. everything will be better this way.
Closing his eyes, he stepped ever so slightly near the edge. Just as he tensed to make the jump, a loud high pitched voice sounded from the entrance to the overpass.
"Connor! Where are you? I'm so sorry!" The person yelled.
Connor wrinkled his nose and shook his head furiously, he couldn't give up now. He tensed his muscles again and in a seconds hesitation, he leapt forward. Wind blasted his face and his hair back as he plummeted towards the road and cars below. There was a searing pain for a second, but then his world went black.

Evan heard a thump come from below the overpass. Panicking, he hurried to the edge to see a tall, dark silhouette laying still on the pavement below. Looking closely, he saw very familiar long brown hair. "Connor, NO!" he screamed. Tears poured from his eyes, guilt overtaking his whole body. This is all my fault.. Connor, I'm so fucking sorry.."

(Sorry this is a bit rushed! I'm running low on ideas, so any ideas would be appreciated in the comments! Also, sorry for the relatively short chapter. Chapter three should be posted soon!)

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