A ЂώζЅŧ of Fate ♪ Twenty-five

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"When one door closes, another opens; but we often took so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” ~ Alexxander Graham Bell  

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2012 © All rights reserved

A ЂώζЅŧ of Fate ♪ Twenty-five

"Who's the mysterious girl?"

"You've made headlines!" Zayn chuckled as he handed me the morning papers over breakfast.

"Hmm?" I looked at the large words screaming at me. "Mysterious girl?" I raised an eyebrow.

I read on.

"Zayn Malik made a public declaration for a very special girl when the boys made their final speech at their Wellington's concert.

Apparently, the girl was present since he was addressing the girl directly - 'You know who you are'.

But he was quick enough to add a I LOVE YOU ALL such that some even missed the subtle 'I Love You' before they hit their 'Everything about you.'

It's creating quite a ruckus on Twitter as fans started questioning Malik on the identity of the girl and if he was indeed taken.

"It would break my heart absolutely!" A fan cried out after the concert.

While many were upset, but there were still many out there who wished Zayn all the best.

"Of course I would be happy for him if he found a girl that he loves," said one fan.

Guess we could only hang around and see who the lucky girl was."

"Wow..." I mused. "Some of the fans are pretty cool about it."

He shrugged, "Yeah. In fact they are quite supportive towards Liam and Lou."

I wondered...as I recalled what Danielle told me.


"Hmm?" He looked up at me.

"Would you like me to go public?"

His eyes shot wide opened. "Why the sudden question?"

"I don't know," I shrugged. "I know it probably means a lot to you..."

His hand came across the table to take mine.

"We don't have to do that if you are not comfortable about it," he said softly. "Besides, why bother...? My relationships are my private affairs. I do not have to advertise them."

A Twist of Fate (1D series - Book one)Where stories live. Discover now