The End is Near...

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You know that day when you wake up and everything seems... perfect? The sun's shining, the birds are singing, your mother's in the kitchen already making breakfast and you start thinking about how today you're going to have such a fun day at school. Well, imagine that, but the opposite.

I wake up to the sound of make out noises (if that's a thing) and I know Cam's back together with Thea. I just lie in bed, listening to the noises thinking how I wish my life was normal enough to not hear my older brother making out with his on-again-off-again girlfriend. I sit up. This is my cue to get ready for school, despite me not giving a damn about it. I open the door to my brother's room, which is right next door to mine. "How's it going in here? Want me to go call dad?" Thea and Cam immediately pull apart and Cam gives me the stink eye. I look around his room. Dirty laundry all over the floor that you can barely see the carpet, papers all over his desk and, wait is that a half eaten apple?! His room's a mess. But why am I stating the obvious?

"What the hell do you want?" He doesn't look happy as he and his girlfriend sit on his bed.

"Just wanted to say that I love you and you need to get your big ass downstairs for breakfast." I look over to his supermodel girlfriend. She's the definition of beauty. Can't say the same for my dumb-witted brother, "Thea you could always join us." Actually, to be honest, I hope she doesn't come. She is such a self-centred person. I put on my best fake smile.

"No, it's okay. I have to go..." I give a big sigh, in my mind. I'm not that rude. She gives my brother a 'maybe-next-time' look, grabs her designer purse and leaves. She knows the way, so I don't bother showing her out. I hear her and her clicking high heels disappear gradually as she goes out.

"Great! Thanks, Emilla!" My brother stands up. I just stand there. It feels so good to humiliate my brother. It gives me a rush.

"Your welcome. I just helped you dodge a bullet." I walk inside his room. Purposefully stepping on his dirty laundry. It's already dirty. Does it really matter if I step on it with my bare feet?

"What do you what, Emilla?!" He gives me a look that should probably let me run away, like the scared little girl I am. But I can't help myself. I walk over to the side of his bed, where he's going through his bedside table drawers, like he's trying to find something.

"Why do you care so much? What are you hiding, golden boy?" Cam's always been the 'good kid' in the family. My family are obviously dumber than they look. 'Golden boy' is the nickname I give him. Do I really need to say why?

Cam takes a quick glance at his closet, across his bed. It's a quick glance. A glance he thought I wouldn't have noticed.

It starts as fast as it ends. I jump over his bed in one swift motion. He jumps at me but I dodge. I run with all my might, opening the door to the closet. Cam reaches just in time to close it. I look at him and he stares at me, panting very faintly.

"Get out!" I'm scared he's going to hurt me, I mean, he is taller and stronger than me. But he only throws a dirty sock at me that he found lying beside him. I flee before he starts throwing underwear. Was I imagining what I saw? Did I really see drugs, or am I hallucinating from the putrid smell of my brother's room?

I head downstairs and forget about it. It's easy to forget about a brother who cares nothing about you.

As I near the kitchen, I expect to see dad, getting ready to leave for work. But instead I notice the usual sticky note on the fridge. This time it's a nice bright pink. It's usually a neon yellow:

Sorry guys, another business trip. Won't be back in a couple of days. Samantha's coming over to look after you guys, so don't cause any trouble.

Love Dad.

I grab the note, srucnch it up, and throw it at the window. Sure, whatever Dad. Leave me with Samantha and everything will be alright.

At least I won't have any disturbance when my plan goes into action tomorrow night.

Who needs Dad? Not me.

I try to release my anger while making breakfast. Trying hard to make sure the food goes into my mouth. But there's no point. I'm not hungry, I haven't been hungry these past few weeks. Once I've given up on food, I take a shower. I stand under the hot water, looking down as the water disappears into the drain. Just one more day, Emilla. One more day...


Cam walks out of the house, I follow, hot on his trail. My bag right on my back.

"Golden boy! My favourite brother!" I shout. His car is parked right on the garden. Dad's not going to be happy. He hates people parking or driving on the front garden bacuse of the fake grass.

"In your dreams, Emilla!" He shouts as he gets in his sweet ride. As he reverses the car, he pulls down the window, and puts his middle finger up, screaming, "Take the bus!" And he's gone.

Wow, Cam, so mature.

I always knew I was the smarter and sophisticated sibling in the family. It's just the fact that my family never noticed. My dad and Samantha only adore him because he's trying to get a degree in law. In law, for God's sake! He barely did any work when he was in school! He should become a brain surgeon for all I care and kill his patients.

I guess I'm taking the retched bus. No way I'm I taking the school bus. I'll just get bullied. Like I always do. The public bus is the next option. And even that gives me the chills. I've only been on it twice and it's already making me regret my bus choice. The first time, I dosed off and woke up in the middle of nowhere. Well, not literally nowhere, just a part of town that I was not used to. I had to walk for 2 hours just to get home. The second time, some kids from school went on the public bus. The other nerds who also avoided the school bus. That is where I met the most annoying people in the world. You would want to throw yourself out the window if some random stranger started talking about physics.

It's not like I have a choice. School's a 15 minute drive away. Which means if I walk, it'll take about more than an hour. I look at my watch. Skulls ingraved on the inside where the numbers and clock hands are. 8:00am. Only 30 minutes 'till the start of hell. The nearest bus comes in... 2 minutes.

Shoot! I start running using all my muscles. But it's kind if hard wearing a black school skirt. Cars past. Probably thinking I'm some whacko chasing something that isn't there.

I reach the bus stop just in time. Just as it comes around the corner. I wave my hand, trying to get the attention of the driver, but it drives straight pass. Great, more running. A I run with my amazing running skills, I scream to the driver, "Stop the freaking bus, idiot!" It's obvious that he heard me. The neighbours look at me like I'm crazy. Haven't they seen a teenage girl chase down a bus?! I watch as the bus disappears in the distance. Don't you just love school?

And don't you just love the life of Emilla Rose Franco? I have a dead mother, a dad who cares nothing about me, a brother who I'm pretty sure is doing drugs and an almost step-mother who would gladly kill me if my dad wasn't alive.

I should add another note to my suckish life.

Can't even hold down a public bus.

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