Chapter Seventeen - Old Curses

Start from the beginning

Jack sighed, "I'd want nothing more than to spend a romantic evening with you, but I'm exhausted and I think it would be best if I just got some rest."

Jackie's face fell and she took her hands off Jack's chest. She went over to the table to start clearing things up, and Jack turned to leave the room.

"I'm sorry I miscarried the baby." It came so unexpectedly, it Jack stop in his tracks and turn around to see Jackie with a guilty look on her face.

"Oh sweetie that wasn't your fault, and I'm not mad at you for that." said Jack, feeling terrible about himself, and his marriage.

"Then why have you been so distant?" Jackie finally snapped, "We haven't had a big fight, and we've barely been married a year. It shouldn't be this difficult so early on!"

"I'm sorry if you're unhappy!" yelled Jack, "I'm sorry that I'm insecure, and that I'm not a family man. I'm trying here!"

"I know, I know." Jackie's tone smoothened and she tried to approach Jack, who stepped away. "I need to see Bobby." said Jack as he pulled away and left the room, leaving Jackie alone for the hundredth time since their wedding day.

Bobby sat across from Jack, who was sipping a scotch in Bobby's living room. The house was small, at least to Bobby, Ethel, and their four children.

"So how are you?" asked Bobby, who was sipping a glass of water.

"Not good, Bobby." Jack replied, and a long silence ensued. Finally, Jack spoke again, "I've cheated, Bobby."

Bobby looked at his brother, shocked, "No, you didn't."

"Bobby, please." Jack pleaded, trying to make his brother see sense.

"You're not that kind of man. You don't cheat. You promised." said Bobby, a thousand different emotions running through him.

"You don't understand, Bobby. You're a natural at this. I mean, you and Ethel have been married for five years and you have four great kids. You're an amazing dad and husband. I'm not."

"You could at least try!" Bobby snapped, "How long did you even wait before cheating?!"

"After my surgery I was... depressed, and one thing led to another."

Bobby's face was red with fury, and he stood up and paced the room. He slowly digested every bit of information he had received in a matter of minutes and considered the best approach to it. It was what made him a great attorney. Finally, he came to the best possible approach.

"Does Jackie know?"

Jack rubbed his temples, and put his face in his hands, "Yes."

"Have you, talked about it?"

"No. She's like Mom, she knows but she brushes it aside. The worst part is that she thinks it's because of the miscarriage."

Bobby sighed, "Well, is it?"

"No! No! I would never be that petty, or selfish."

"I don't know if I can believe anything that comes out of your mouth anymore. Now get out, and learn how to be a man. Because that's something that no one can teach you."

Jack got up, and looked at his brother, his eyes pleading for forgiveness. Bobby felt his heart break when he was forced to return that look with nothing but a steely gaze.

August 1956

Jackie sat up in the hospital bed, staring blankly ahead, unable to think. They had called for Jack hours ago, but he hadn't come, so she had called the only person she knew would be there at the drop of a hat...

Jackie looked up to see him in the doorway, "Bobby." she felt a rush of relief at the sight of her brother-in-law.

Bobby felt an overwhelming sense of grief when he saw Jackie sitting there. She was pale and looked worn down. Her face was expressionless. She had her hands on her stomach, as if she was trying to recapture the feeling of being pregnant.

Bobby was silent for a very long time before he spoke, "Oh Jackie." He said, tears building in his eyes as he thought of his poor little niece, who was destined to never draw her first breath.

Bobby took a deep breath as he prepared his next words, "I arranged everything for the funeral, down to the coffin."

Jackie nodded, "That's good. Thank you, Bobby." Then tears started brimming in her eyes, and she broke down. Bobby rushed over to her and hugged her as she spoke: "Everything was fine yesterday, she was kicking. The doctors said I did nothing wrong. I didn't do anything wrong."

The words disappeared and became sobs as Bobby hugged his sister-in-law and whispered: "I know, Jackie. I know. I'm going to be here for you, I'm not going to abandon you, okay? We'll get through this."

Bobby felt tears brimming in his eyes, and for once in his life he didn't hear Joe's voice yelling: Kennedys don't cry! in his head. He cried, because for the first time in his entire life, he hated Jack.

He hated him for everything he had done to Jackie, and he wondered where he was now that could possibly be more important than this.

Bobby decided that he didn't want to know, because if he did, and if Jack was where he thought he was, Bobby would kill him.

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