Chapter 2: Raven

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It was an awful ride to the nearest hospital, but apparently I had a broken wrist and a fractured femur. The girl graciously stayed with me while they bandaged me up. She even made an excuse for me so I didn’t have to tell the truth about how it all happened.

            “We were skateboarding and she tried to do a huge jump, but landed wrong.”

            “In high heel boots?” The doctor asked.

            “Well, I had made a bet that she couldn’t do it-”

            “Plus it adds another level of difficulty” I added. The doctor looked unsatisfied by the story but bought it anyway. When he had left, the girl looked at me.

            “Where are you going to go?” Her eyes got wider and innocent. “What are you going to do? You can’t fly.”

            I hadn’t really thought about where I was going to go. I had no money but I had an IPhone that The Academy hands out to all their students.  I knew I had no choice, but to go back or die out here with my injuries.

            I sighed, “I have to go to The Academy.”

            The girl looked confused, “What academy?” I was a little shocked.  A girl her age, who could change really well that hasn’t heard of The Academy?  I explained all about it, but she still didn’t recognize it.

            “Well, you should come back with me.” I pointed back. “It’s not the best place in the world, but it’s some place. Besides, I don’t want you wandering around when demons are on the loose.” She nodded and when we were able to leave, I told the hospital to bill a fake address. I was pretty good at that.

            Once outside, I dialed a few numbers on my phone.  A black minivan came rolling in 20 minutes later.  It was Jacobson, I could tell by the glint of his sunglasses. He was my favorite driver.  He couldn't change but his daughters could because his wife could change into a snake. His wife was feisty sometimes. Jacobson worked as a Keeper. Keepers went to changer's aid and even toted the escaping changers back to campus, like myself. Keepers also were obligated to kill any rogue demons so Keepers were trained highly in combat. Plus they got their own special knives.  

We hopped in and I saw that devilish smirk come across his face. “What did you do this time Raven?”               

            “Broken wrist and fractured femur.  Guess I can’t be in class for a while.” He scoffed with a smirk and shook his head.

            “You out illegally?” He asked me.

            “Couldn’t you tell by the clothes?” He laughed a hearty laugh. He sounded tired though, which bothered me. What had he done earlier today?

            “I guess I didn’t notice.” He drove off and then glanced at the girl who had saved my life through the rear view mirror.

            “Who’s this?”

            “Another shape shifter like me. She saved my life, but doesn’t know about The Academy.”  I informed him.

            “Strange. Well, the drive will be an all-nighter so I’ll stop by some fast food restaurant and get us something to go. You must be hungry.” The girl glanced up with a predator look in her eyes. She nodded. Jacobson smiled. His chestnut hair shined in the lights as he drove.

            He pulled into a McDonalds and asked us what we wanted. My friend ordered three hamburgers, a large fries and a milkshake while I ate one burger with a medium fries with soda. She polished her food down quickly.

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