Chapter 3

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- Christina's POV -

I didn't know what I was doing, all I knew was that I wanted to be out of that house. I couldn't stand it anymore, I had run out of my house bare foot and now I find my self running down my street with my vision clouded by tears. Everything that has happened this past year has just been building up inside of me, I was about to explode and what Allison just told me had set me off, just like a bomb. I threw my self on the ground and sat there crying, thinking about everything.

- Flashback -

Jordan and I have been talking for a while now but Allison has just shown up at my house, she said she had something important to tell me so she led me away from Jordan and into my kitchen.

"Christina, I have some bad news."

"What is it?" I ask wearily.

"Your maid, Maria. Is threatening to tell the press everything.

"What does she know?"

"She happens to know about your drug habits, partying, sex life and she even knows some things that I don't. She knows about your depression. Christina, she knows everything."

"No. This can't be happening. She can't do this to me, I've been nothing but nice to her, she can't do this. Allison, she'll ruin my career! I'll have nothing left, I'll have no one left!" I scream, knocking all the things from the table onto the floor, they made a loud crashing noise as Jordan ran in to see what was going on.

"Christina, it's ok, We'll take care of it, just calm down." Allison said as she grabbed a hold of my flailing arms.

"No Allison, this time it's not ok! I can't deal with all this shit anymore! I just can't fucking do it!" I scream again, as I get out of Allison's grip and run out side.

- End of Flashback -

"Christina?" Jordan asked softly as he sat down next to me and placed an arm around me.

"Just leave me alone." I said through sobs.

"No. You've been alone for too long, now is the time when you need some one the most, I'm that person, I'll be here for you."

I didn't say anything, I just stayed there in his arms, crying. It happened, I just had my first major breakdown.

Over the next few weeks I tried my best to stop my partying for Jordan but I just couldn't do it. It was the same, night after night. I would go out partying, bring a guy home and sleep with him. Jordan had tried his best to cheer me up, he was coming over almost everyday and we would just hang out. Every time he came over he had never caught me doing what he had tried so hard to stop but one morning changed it all.


- Jordan's POV -

This is the fourth time this week that I'm visiting Christina. Ever since she had her breakdown, I just feel this need to help her get through everything. It's a really dark time in her life right now but I will try my best to help her through it.

I walk upstairs and into Christina's room and I find her laying in bed with some guy's arm around her. Allison told me that this is what Christina did but I believed otherwise, I actually thought that I was getting through to her.

"Babe, who is this?!" The guy yelled.

She opened her eyes and looked up, "Shit, Jordan, hi."

"I think I should go." He said.

"Yeah, um bye." She said, waving him off.

He walked past me and shut the door. There was silence for a moment before I spoke.

"So..what was that?"



That was it, she just burst into tears. I immediately sat next to her on the bed and put my arm around her. She just cried for about 10 minutes before she suddenly stopped and stood up, taking the bed sheet with her.

"I should probably put some clothes on."

"Yeah, I'll be downstairs." I say, walking out the room.

After about 5 minutes, she comes down stairs. She looks broken and it hurts me to see her this way. She puts on a brave face for the world but when it comes to me it's like she doesn't even bother. She walks and takes a seat next to me on the couch.

"I'm sorry." She says.

"What for?"

"For everything. I'm just a burden on you. I understand if you want to leave."

"Hey," I say lifting her chin up, "I'll never leave you, I promise."



She looks at me and we both begin to lean in but were interrupted by a knock on the door. Christina quickly stands up to answer it, as she opened the door Allison walked in.

"Christina, the thing with Maria is all sorted out. You'll be fine."

I could see it in her eyes, a sense of relief had just washed over her. I then realised that I had almost kissed her and in that moment I froze and things turned pretty awkward from there.

"I um, I should go." I said.

"Yeah, good idea."


"Bye." She said, shutting the door.

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