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Abigail followed Amy having no idea where they were going really. The only thing she had been told was that they were visiting Abby's daughter Roxanne. When they came to the house Abigail was surprised. " What job does she do to have enough money to afford a mansion!" Lola gaped. " You'll see Lola." Amy sighed as if bracing herself before knocking on the door. " I swear Jason if that is you I will not hesitate-!" A young woman opened the door pausing her statement her light blue eyes opened wide in surprise. " Hello Roxy do you mind if we come in?" Amy asked the girl and Abigail's eyes widened in realization. " Your Roxanne Davis the Legendary Gymnast." Lola announced just before her. " Yeah and let me guess you're one of the idiot friends of my mother why don't you do yourself a favor and leave." Roxanne said with a low voice and she was about to close it when Amy stopped her. " Roxy I know you aren't happy with your mother, but she's dying." Amy said softly and Roxy looked surprised. It quickly went away with a scoff and a look of annoyance. " She'll be fine Amy, my mother lost any support from me when she left me all those years ago." Roxy said coldly and Abigail couldn't see Abby leaving her daughter alone. " Roxy your mother has been in an coma for two weeks and she told Abigail here to find out everything about her. Giving that the only other living relative of her's is Calista Dove." Amy told her. " There is no way my mother would want that, it's suicide!" Roxy yelled though her voice was full of disbelief and her eyes watered slightly and Abigail wondered why Abby's background had that response on everyone.
" Roxy wasn't it, I went inside your mother's mind. She unleashed Inferno awhile back ago and died. In the process it trapped her in her own mind leaving her to face Inferno's torture. I get the feeling you don't like your mother, but please." Abigail begged. " alright fine, I'll tell you what I know, but she owes me after this." Roxy huffed. " Roxy thank you for doing this and I probably should of told you this, but she only left you because she wanted you safe." Amy whispered. " Well she could of actually helped me instead of disapering after high school!" Roxy screamed at her. " No one knew you
Existed except me and Leona who helped deliver you. After her last daughter Wanda Sykes had been brutally raped and murdered in front of her I don't think she could go through losing another daughter." Amy told her and Roxy's face softened. " I didn't know what had happened, but she still could of at least told me that." Roxy sighed. " She blamed herself, she always does Roxy. No matter how strong your mother is I don't think she would of been able to get out what happened to Wanda to you." Amy told her. Roxy was silent before walking inside and they followed. " So what do you know?" Abigail asked. " My grandma was known as Primavera and I apparently had a Aunt named Callie though it was a nickname." Roxy started. " Oh so that is who she was calling for. Do you know what it was short for?" Abigail asked. " No idea, they were separated when she was 20 and she never saw her again though she told me she knew where she was." Roxy shrugged. " Right so Callie do you know where she is?" Lola asked.
" Somewhere no Angel can go is all my mother gave me. Though I'm pretty sure my aunt was an angel too so that never made sense to me." Roxy told them. " Alright so obviously we can't really go anywhere with that what about Inferno?" Abigail asked.
" Inferno I don't know a lot about to tell the truth." Roxy admitted. " Just tell us what you can Roxy." Lola encouraged. " My mother always called Inferno her curse. When I was younger I though she meant it was just her burden, but now.." Roxy trailed off. " You think she meant literally." Amy spoke up and they jumped in surprise having forgotten she was there. " Yeah Inferno was apparently Lord Void's daughter Serafine and she was killed by Lord Chaos. So in revenge he cursed her with his daughter's spirit." Roxy said. " But Inferno is absolutely Insane!" Abigail said recalling that his daughter was actually nice. " I think that the original Angel of Darkness Alecta did something to her and it drove her insane." Roxy said. " Maybe there is a way you can cure her." Amy said and Abigail looked at her as if she was crazy. " Well maybe the Angel  of Light could do something-" Roxy started, but Lola interrupted her.
" She died during the battle with Lucius." Lola said while gritting her teeth in frustration. " Well what about the Co-Angel of Light?" Roxy asked and the two shared a look. " Is there a Co-Angel of Light?" Lola asked Abigail and Abigail gave her the how am I supposed to know look. "Wow Abigail actually doesn't know something!" Amy grinned and Abigail glared at her. " Well Oh mighty Angel of Peace if you're so smart do you know who it is?" Abigail snapped and Amy looked at her hurt. " Abigail be nice, go on Amy Abigail just has an ego." Lola encouraged. " Shut up Lola." Abigail groaned embarrassed. " Well if I remember correctly her name is Kyra Lore or Celeste now the Angel of Light and sister to Kai Lore or Hyro Angel of Hope." Oh I know Kai he's a friend of mine." Lola announced with a grin. " Good luck you all, and please save my mother, because if you can find a different way then finding everything about her then I will forever thank you." Roxy said. " We will." Lola promised. " So Lola where can we find Kai?" Abigail asked. " Better use the Hover boards because we are going to Lorion, Ullandra." Lola grinned and with that they left Roxy's house to go to Kai's.

Secrets of AngelsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora