Seven Minutes: Nonon

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(Your POV)
I stuck my hand into the hat and felt around. It was full of paper, so I literally had to think this one through. I took in a breath and pulled in out a piece of paper. I opened the folded paper and looked at it. “So, what's the name?” Uzu asked.

“Nonon Jakuzure.” I said.

Everyone went 'Ooo' as I called out her name. I looked at the pink haired musician as she looked at me, and I saw a blush on her face. Truth be told, I liked Nonon. I always thought she was super cute, confident, and even if she has that Tsundere Personality and would otten talk down on to people, even her own friends.

Yet, it didn’t stop me from wanting her. And this, this may be the moment. “Well, come on Nonon, time for the closet.” Uzu said. “Screw you Monkey, I ain’t doing it! Who even put my name in there?” Nonon asked.

“Me.” Hōka said.
“What the hell?! I still ain’t going to do it.” Nonon said.
“You have no choice. Gama.” Uzu said.

Ira walked up and picked Nonon up. She screamed and kicked, but Ira would move. I got into the closet and soon, No on was thrown in and try door quickly closed. It didn’t lock, but you didn’t need one with three hundred pounds of muscle before the door.

“Hay, let me out you a****!!” Nonon shouted as she hit the door. But after a minute, she stopped. Nonon sighed and turned around, leaning against the door. “Dammit. Screw those guys.” She muttered.

I was against the wall and looked at her, before looking at the other wall. I just looked at darkness for a bit, until I heard Nonon call out. “Hay.” I looked at her and she was looking back. “So, why haven’t you tried anything?” She asked.

I was a bit shock by her question. Was she really hoping for me to try something? I gulped. “Well, you seemed like you didn’t want to play, so, I was just um, respecting your choice?” I said, unsure of what I should say.

“No, that was more or less for show…..I did want to play.” She said.
“Really? Why?” I asked.
“Cause of you idiot.” She said.

I looked at her, in utter shock, but also joy. Nonon stepped away from the door and up to me. She put her hands on my shoulders. She stood up on her tip toes and kissed me. I stood there for a second, in a unknown state. Nonon didn’t feel me kiss back, and thought I didn’t want it, so she began to pull back, but mu senses kick back and my hand moves to the back of her head and I push her head back and I kiss her back.

Nonon smirks and she kisses back as well and we lightly make out. My other hand moves to her waist and I kept it there as we kept kissing. Nonon's hands moved past and around my neck as the kiss became more heated, more so then it was already. When we did finally break, I saw that cute smirk she gets. “Knew you liked me back.” Nonon said.

“Yeah, I do. A lot.” I said.
“I know, as do I.” She said.

Nonon leaned up and kissed me again. I gave her a small kiss back, but just as it ended, the door opened and we looked at everyone who was looking at us. “Hay, he's not dead.” Uzu said

“Of course not monkey.” She grabbed my hand and lead me out. I followed Nonon over to tell couch and we sat down. The party went one, and eventually, Nonon moved to my lap and I may have fell asleep holding my new girlfriend.

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