Updates, and random stuff in my life

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Updates: So I was thinking for summer to really get back into watt pad, and be more active, read more books, write more books(if I could think of anything that's not given to me from a friend) try to talk to people more, and help friends with their books :/

Random Shiz: I've started to cuss more in my books, so just warning. I am now 12! so that's kewl. I hung out at Exploding_Little_Fox's house so that was kewl, she's gonna come over today because kings island tomorrow, we are gonna ride a lot of water slides, prob runoff a lot knowing us. I'm no longer homeschooled (i was homeschooled), so now I'm in a normal middle school I've made about 7 friends right off the top of my head(none have wattpad tho), on the last day we watched movies, played volleyball, ate, and did a talent show and airband.
Volleyball: we were all in teams of 7, my team had 3 of my friends, we were like the 3rd round, we lost. I almost had an anxiety attack because of my friend yelling at me tho so that was Sarcastically Fun
Movie: The movie my class watched was this guy, who was a dad trying to get a job to provide for his son. but he ended up getting a job at a museum where at night everything comes to life, it was cool, my friend fell asleep for a bit
food: Pizza
Talent show: One of my friends  lip synced to "the devil's swing: Bendy and the ink matchine" so that was amusing
Airband: cringe , air guitars and air drums , but just CRINGE

278 Words aha thats cool BYE BYE

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