The Kidnapping

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Celeste POV


I groaned sitting up in my bed as i grabbed my phone squinting as the screen lit up brightly 2:15 Am it read. I frowned "who could be at my door at this hour" i grumbled as i got out of bed walking quietly across the cold floor as i reached my door i looked through my peep-hole to find a whole swat team outside my door. I quickly stepped back covering my mouth when the door was knocked off it's hinges causing a loud crash i froze staring up at the swat team "WHY ARE YOU HERE!!!?" i yelled stepping behind the table trying to increase the distance between us. After a few moments one of them finally spoke "Celeste Lewis?" he asked sternly i nodded "yeah what do you want?" he didn't answer when two of his men broke apart from the group stalking towards me slowly "STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!" i screeched throwing a salt shaker at them as i backed away pressing up against the wall. The two men continued stalking forward till they were towering over me i flinched as the both grabbed an arm dragging me out of my apartment kicking and screaming till they threw me into the back of a van. I looked up finding i'm not the only one in the van sitting in the far corner were two twins staring at me "whew i thought i was the only one" i said somewhat relieved "do you know where we are going?" i asked crawling towards them they shook their heads "no but i'm Katana and this is my identical twin Kit" i nodded "i'm Celeste" after a few moments we stopped and the doors opened i shivered wishing i had a jacket to cover up my silk nightgown when a swat guy grabbed me pulling me out of the van i look behind me to see Katana and Kit struggling against their captors. When mine jerks my arm hard causing me to glare at him "hurry up" he snarled as we walked towards a building once i enter i'm passed to a nurse who leads me into a hospital room she sits me down on a bed and starts checking my vital and such. I look at her noticing her military badge "so are we being put in the draft?" i asked she shook her head "to be honest Sweetie i don't know what the government is going to do with you all i know is the are selecting girls at random" i nodded feeling a cold feeling travel down my spine i quickly shook it off trying to stay strong when she lead me to another room "the Gynecologist will see you now" another nurse said as we enter i paused "Gynecologist WTF NO NO NO NOOO!!" i said panicking when my nurse grabbed my hand "there there Sweetie it will be alright" she said soothingly "we just want to make sure you're healthy" i shook my head "no i refuse" i whimpered feeling my eyes well up with tears when a short man walked up to me "oh dear what is the problem?" he asked chuckling softly he gave off the impression he was someone Great Uncle or something. I paused "i'm scared i have no idea where i am and have no idea what is going to happen to me also i've never visited a Gynecologist so i'm nervous" he smile sympathetically "i'm the Gynecologist dear and i assure you it is just a simple check up no needles, no scary machine it will be fine" i nodded "ok" i replied softly as my nurse led me back to the check up room after about ten minutes he was done and gave my chart a green stamp "well of you go my dear and i wish you luck in whatever the government is doing" i nodded hopping off the table following my nurse to a simple open room with cots "you'll be staying here tomorrow is orientation then you're off to wherever they send you girls" i nodded "thank you" i whispered as i walked silently between the cots finding an empty one by a redhead girl who was faking being asleep terribly. I sat down on my cot staring at the floor when "psst hey you psst" a voice said i looked up seeing the redhead girl looking at me with one eye open "umm yes?" i whispered she looked around slowly "where are you from?" i paused tilting my head "what?" she sighed sitting up "i'm from Georgia they brought me here yesterday what about you?" i sighed "i'm from Wisconsin originally but they got me from my apartment in New Jersey" i replied quietly "i'm Juniper" she said offering her hand i took it shaking it softly "i'm Celeste" she nodded "i can't sleep the suspense is killing me" i giggled softly "same" we stayed up a bit longer till we fell asleep. 



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