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Tord and Tom quickly began Getting up from the bed And ran out the door."Edd!Where are you?"Tom yelled."Maybe he went there."Tord pointed to his room."Oh.Shut the fuck up Tord!""Haha.Your cute when your mad!"Tord smiled.Tom blushes ."S-Shut up!.Listen,this isn't the time to be messing around.We have to go see what's wrong with Edd.""From be whatever you say."Tord smiled.While they open the door to Edds room they see a harpoon on his bed.Along with the harpoon impaled into the bed."TOM!WHY THE HARPOON?!!"Edd screamed."I don't even see why it's a big deal...But seriously...I'm not the one who did this...""Oh really Tom?Your the one who's obsessed with harpoons."Tord kinda laughed at Edds face when he realized that Tom was getting blamed even though it was Tord that put impaled the harpoon in Edds bed."SHUT UP!Your the one who probably did it!Tord,the tricky, bastard you are,had to do this!Lets be honest...When would I have the time to do this?!"" have a point there...but Tord wouldn't do this either....I'm pretty sure that if he were to prank anyone,it would be you, Tom." Tom was really pissed because he didn't want to be blamed for what Tord did.Then he remembered when Tord took his teddy bear that he always had.Then again, he never got it back, so that's why he hates Tord so much.Not to mention that a couple weeks later, Tord cut if open with a spoon.You might be thinking, how the hell did he cut it open with a spoon?Well he put razor blades on it.Also a note that says "Harpoons are better spoons.I Dobt think so Tommy!"Tom sighs and says "Whatever".He frowns and starts walking our of the room.Tord notices
Toms frown and feels kinda bad for him getting blamed even though it was Tord who did it."Wait....Tom!"Tom turned around wire his face still frowning."Here, I have  something for you..."Tord pulls something out of his pocket.Tom suddenly stopped frowning and smiled."My Teddy bear!How did you fix it?""Magic"Tord winked.Tom jumps on Tord and hugged him."Uh...."
"Ahem.Well um..thanks Tord.""Heh.Yep.""Uh...I'm gonna go to my room now..."Tord
was so freaking happy 💗

Harpoon in ass (TomTord smut/fluff)Also a shitty Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now