The Beginning

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This is just getting my thoughts out so its being written here on wattpad. Please note there WILL be errors! Enjoy!

         I sit here alone and afraid. Its cold and dark with bare walls that surround me. The room is muted like my world is in grey scale. I was asleep... what woke me? Suddenly I hear what woke me to begin with; the screams they sound like they are coming from down the hall. I get out of bed and walk slowly and quietly to the door. The hard wood floor beneath me creaks and I hold my breath waiting for what i dont know. I listen harder at the sounds around me and I realize the screams have stopped and all I can hear now is the whistling of the wind through the leaky windows. I have no idea where I am but I know I'm supposed to be here. Why am I here again? I have to add that to the sea of questions whirling around in my head. I creep closer to my door only to pull the handle and find its locked.

         Panic seeps into my flesh and a cold sweat beads up my forehead and goosebumps race down my back. What would cause  my door to be locked? Looking around I see Nothing to explain why I am here and yet I still seem to feel like this is where I belong, but why? Keeping as quiet as possible I look all around my room for something to allow me to open the door. Feeling triumphant I find a paperclip and get to work. Picking locks is my specialty and this door is an easy pick. Once I have successfully unlocked the door I hold my breath and open it trying hard not to make a sound. looking around I am met with another room much larger than mine but still in the grey scale that my room is. Maybe its just because its night time or maybe I have become color blind at this point anything is possible. Pressing myself into the wall trying to blend in I feel the cold through my cotten nightgown. I go further down the hall to where the screams were coming from. I come to a room where there is a light on and find myself looking inside the small window on the door. On the other side is a large kitchen its beautiful with dark cherry wood cabinets and white marble counters. Beside the large island I see a woman covered in blood, terrified, and she looks to be screaming yet I hear nothing. trying hard to open the door I find it too is locked. Struggling harder to open the door I finally get it open only to be met with a dark room that looks exactly like my own. What. The. Hell.

         When I close the door again I pear through the window and once again see the woman on the floor only now the life has left her eyes though her mouth is still open. I see now that her throat was slit and this is what killed her. I examine the room once more through the window before opening it once more only to once again find the grey room thats truly behind it. Confusion takes over my mind and I can't think striaght. Sobbing I crumple onto the floor not understanding what's happening to me.  As I pull myself together I hear footsteps in the distance. when they turn the corner I see they are shining a flashlight into each room one by one through the windows. Fear consumes me and in that moment I realize I have to get to my room before I am found. I feel as though my very survival depends on them not knowing Im out of bed. I crawl slowly to my room looking back as I go keeping close to the wall. For a moment I find that the footsteps behind me have stopped and I steal another glance to find whomever it is has gone inside the room I had just been in with the woman I saw through the window. Shit I forgot about the door I unlocked. I take the opportunity to scramble to my feet and sprint for my room. I shut the door with finess and run to the bed taking my paperclip with me. I pretend to be asleep when I see the flashlight beam go through my room and I hear the footsteps continue down the hall.

         Breathing hard I try hard to calm myself. Who was that man? Did he see what I did through the window? Where am I? I feel like I should know where I am its like its sitting right there in the front of my mind yet I can't seem to remember. Looking at the colorless ceiling I find sleep taking over and fast. I fight it for a few minutes so I can try and process what I just saw in the room with the woman in the kitchen but sleep wins and I find myself plunged into blackness.

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