5 | Strix Initiation

Start from the beginning

"With guile, courage, perhaps a bit of trickery." They turn to see Tristan standing behind them. "Admittedly, it's a long-shot, but then, sometimes the new candidates surprise us." He then turns directly to Lexi. "I am glad you accepted the invitation, Alexis."

"It's Lexi." She snaps, grasping Derek's hand behind her back.

"Not when I met you." He retorts playfully. "But, it seems you both know Marcel personally. What do you think of the candidate?"

"Let's see." Lexi drawls. "Arrogant. Stubborn. Prone to self-aggrandizement. Should fit in perfectly!"

"If he survives," Tristan adds. Derek glares harshly, sizing the vampire up. "I take it you are friends?"

"Eh. Even if we weren't, I still don't like you." Derek retorts.

"You barely know me!" Tristan laughs. "I think both you and Alexis, mostly Alexis, need to be introduced to the new me." He holds a hand out expectantly. "One dance, my lady?" Lexi glances at Derek, not liking the idea. "If it's not an intrusion." He adds, smirking slightly.

"Not at all," Derek says tensely, knowing that if he says no, it would only let Tristan win. Lexi reluctantly takes the vampire's hand and lets him lead her to the dance floor.

"I'm glad you came, Alexis," he says softly, daring to look into her eyes. She gulps nervously, glancing back at Derek. "You look lovely."

"Stop with the games, Tristan." She demands. "Why did you want to find me?"

"That, dear Alexis," He twirls her round, somehow bringing her closer to him in the process. "Will be answered shortly. For now, I would just like to ask you about what I've missed." He smiles, his eyes lighting up.

Back near the bar, Elijah and Hayley walk up to Derek. Elijah's already tense figure stiffens more when he sees Tristan with Lexi. "I hate him," Derek mutters, downing another glass of champagne.

"Well, I'm not too fond of him either," Hayley growls.

"Why did you even sire him?" Derek groans, hating the way the vampire is so close with the blonde.

"I don't remember." Elijah sighs. "I remember how he made Alexis feel, however." Derek, feeling self-conscious, looks back at Elijah. "He made her smile for the first time since Henrik's death." When he realizes that Derek is looking at him, Elijah sighs. "Don't worry, Derek. He may have brought out her smile, but you bring out her humanity. You always have."

"I was very surprised to hear you went back to Beacon Hills." Tristan continues, making Lexi clench her jaw. "After all that pain, you still went back."

"Somethings are worth returning to." She retorts, looking him straight in the eye. He stays silent, wanting nothing more than to look away from the cold blue eyes, but he refuses to do so.

"Alexis, you must understand that there are very few novelties in this world, very few beauties. A creature, such as you, is certainly among them." He changes the subject, and Lexi happily complies.

"What kind of creature might that be?" She asks innocently, hiding her anger.

"An Original vampire that is not so original anymore," he replies. "You are vulnerable to anything, now that you are only werewolf and witch— something no one has ever seen before. You are truly unique."

He twirls her around again, bringing her closer than before. They dance, practically chest to chest. Derek clenches his jaw as Lexi bites her lip, trying her best not to react.

"When the time comes," Elijah whispers to Derek. "Get her out of here."

"How about I just bite Tristan, and then our collective problems will be over." Derek grumbles.

"Listen to me," Elijah says sternly, leaning in more. "He has always brought out the worst of her. He manipulates her, and she always listens. Now that he knows the reason behind her compliance, imagine what else he could do." Derek looks back at Elijah, eyes swimming with understanding. "Take her out of here."

Suddenly, a playful howl echoes through the ballroom. Klaus and Lucien, along with four women dressed in costumes, stumble into the room drunkenly. Lucien and the women giggle as Klaus howls again, and the entire population of the party turns to them. Derek and Elijah notice that, though his attention is now on Klaus and Lucien, Tristan has yet to let go of Lexi.

"What a beloved occasion!" Klaus exclaims happily.

"Oh my god, it's a room full of Elijahs." Lucien laughs, glancing at members of the Strix.

Klaus throws his arm over one of the girls. "I had that exact same nightmare once!"

"Go and grab us a drink, love," Lucien orders a girl in a pink wig. "Feel free to fetch one for yourself." She giggles and rushes off into the house.

"One for me, please!" Klaus slurs. "And one for her, and her, and her..." He smirks before turning back to the center of the room. "Tristan? Tristan! Come out, come out, wherever you are! Unless, of course, you're afraid!" Klaus shouts.

"I apologize, " Tristan mutters to Lexi. "Please excuse me." Tristan lets go and moves out to meet Klaus. "You should, uh, move along. You are not welcome here," he states.

"Oh, ok. We're-we're not welcome here." Klaus nods teasingly before picking up a glass of champagne. "Or maybe you should move along before I make you cry in front of all your little friends!" Klaus bellows, laughing almost hysterically.

"My concern is for your companions," Tristan says, amused. "They appear to be out of sorts without a shiny pole to writhe upon."

"Ohhhhh." Lucien sings, looking at one of the girls. "He's suggesting that you're exotic dancers! Which, to him, is an insult," He looks at the other dancers, who have stopped to watch. "If not hypocritical. But, don't take it personally, love. He finds all work demeaning. The only dignified way to accumulate wealth is by birth." Lucien practically spits the last word in Tristan's face. His expression turns happy as he pokes Tristan's nose with a "Boop!" Klaus erupts with laughter, almost doubling over. "Isn't that right, Tristan? Hmmm?" Lucien taps his shoulder before moving back to the girls.

Elijah steps forward, rolling his eyes. "Niklaus."

Klaus spins around, trying to find the voice. When his eyes land on Elijah, he jerks back slightly, seeing him so close. "What is it?" He slurs.

"You're hammered. Which should come as very little surprise to anyone here, but it does hamper the festivities somewhat. So, could I recommend that you find the nearest exit?"

Klaus leans in, whispering, "Just—"

"Yes, and could you take your playthings with you, too?" Elijah demands. Klaus shoves the champagne into Elijah's chest before turning to Tristan.

"You know, I used to find it insulting that I was barred from your special little club. But now, I realize that I lack the flexibility to become a member— I could never get my head far enough up my own ass." He bows dramatically while Lucien laughs. Klaus takes the champagne back and downs it in one gulp. His expression turns disgusted as he sighs, "Cheap." He turns to Lucien with a smirk. "Come on. Let's go. This party's dead anyway."

Klaus and company stagger away, laughing hysterically at everyone and everything. Once they are out of the house, Tristan sighs and turns back to the room. "Don't let them hamper the mood. Let the party commence!"

The music comes back on and people slowly forget the intrusion. Tristan looks back at where he left Lexi to find Elijah standing in her place. "Looking for my sister?" Elijah asks condescendingly. Tristan refuses to answer as his sire walks up to him. "You remember that I do not want you near her, hmm?" Tristan glances up at Elijah daringly. "Do well to remember that, Tristan, or you shall end up with a fate worse than death."

Opinions? Hope you enjoyed!

Also, I'm rewriting the first book (The Youngest Mikaelson). Would you rather I continue this book before I post the rewritten version of TYM or should I post it together-- like one chapter of this book and TYM at the same time?

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