Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

Didn't get to proofread the last half, so... Yeah, probably isn't too bad... I hope XD

I apologize for any grammar errors that I have made! Read and Review!
Disclaimer: Nope, nothing is owned by me.


The trip to Crocus had been horrible.

Apparently, when Lucy had passed out, Erza had snapped out of her pain, like the demon she was. Being able to think rationally, she called Master Makarov to tell him of what Jellal and his group had told her. All the while coldly ignoring her remaining teammate's suffering.

When Lucy had returned, the two guys were still barely keeping it together, whilst she was over it entirely. Crime Sorciere had left a while ago, and team Natsu didn't have any more time, they had to go.

Without mercy, the redhead had dragged the two complaining potato-sacks over the cobble-stone to the train, where she threw them on the seats. Not only did Erza fall asleep before knocking the two complaining guys out, so did Elfman. And.... Elfman snored. A lot.

So, between Gray and Natsu complaining and arguing amidst it, Happy constantly begging her for a fish and Elfman's snoring, she was having one of the worst train rides in history. She was just about ready to rip Natsu's head off, when he decided to also tip and fall towards her when the train started, getting motion sick as well.

It was really just not her day.

When the train finally stopped, she was basically fuming with irritation. Out of all the things the guild master told her, only the fact that they had to be back at their inn before midnight registered and stuck in her mind.

With that, she left her things in the room she shared with Erza and Wendy, before telling them she was going for a walk to take a look at Crocus. Truthfully, she just needed to calm the thunder storm within her before she struck someone.

So she went out and enjoyed the fresh air and the many people all around. The last month she'd been training with her Grand Magic Games team and those Spirits, so it was only just now she had the chance to see how Earthland had changed those 7 years she was gone.

Truthfully, it hadn't changed much. A few of the old shops she remembered visiting weren't there any longer, instead replaced by new ones. The people seemed to be as they were before, though there were many more now than there used to be. But that was most likely due to the Grand Magic Games starting now.

Though, it was just about the amount of people there were in the busy streets of Tokyo every time of the day. Without the many screens everywhere with advertisements and such though. 

Really, it was just as she remembered it to be. It really made her happy to know not everything had changed on her.

She didn't have to walk very far before she had calmed down completely. Well, it may also have helped that she went and bought a strawberry-vanilla milkshake in a little shop, after she hadn't gotten one in a little over seven years. All thanks to Capricorn.

It was probably the most delicious drink she had ever tasted. And who could be angry when they were drinking their favorite drink? Exactly, no one.

Looking around, she also realized the many people here primarily were from some guild or another. All here to participate in the Grand Magic Games... And they were all Fairy Tail's, her, rivals for the top spot. It was many rivals to have, but she was sure Fairy Tail would fight their way through it. They always did. 

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