Chapter 18:Wedding Pains

Start from the beginning

"It's nothing, you wouldn't get it. Anyway why didn't you buy anything? Didn't you like that really long one?"

"I did, not anymore though, let's go." She seemed so urgent and I have no idea why, but I'm guessing it's just her. We soon left the store and I stood by Jace making conversation about anything. "Alec, I'm going back to my parents house with Luna, want to come?" Julie asked.

"That sounds intriguing, but I'm going to have to pass, I want to spend some time with my family and friends"

"Oh okay." She said it with almost no emotion at all, I'm actually sort of curious what got her so upset but not enough to where I ask. Jace and I started walking in the opposite direction and I just had to ask him something. "So, explain a bit on this whole you and Aline situation."

"Okay let me start off with it was not my fault."

Luna's POV

"Okay why the hell are you so upset," I snap at Julie.

"Because." She stayed silent for a moment. "The lady there almost figured me out." I'm in shock. How could Julie be so careless and foolish? This is a big deal and to allow this to happen is just her being an idiot.

"What? How!"

"I had the ring on a chain, I couldn't wear it so I put it in my pocket. When I was trying on the dress it fell out on my pocket. The lady found it and said she thought she's seen the symbol before, so she stared to question me. As soon as that happened I knew I had to get out of there as fast as possible"

"You need to be a lot more careful, or else someone's going to find out we're going to have to tell everybody the truth. Speaking of the truth, do you plan on telling Alec, you know ever?" I was truly asking her this. I'm worried for Alec, I don't think he's going to be mad by this, but he probably would appreciate being used. We've become friends over the past few days and I care for him, as if he was the brother I never had, or will have.

"Eventually, maybe after the wedding when he can't back out of it. I know it's pretty selfish but you know where I'm coming from. You know how important this is."

"D-do you love him?" Once again I was truly asking this, but this time for the sake of my sister. It's very clear that he doesn't love her, so when calls this thing off I don't want her to be heart broken. He and Magnus are very much in love, and one of the cutest couples I've seen, but it scares me for when he does call things off since Julie had her sights set on him. Well she can always find another guy.

"No, not yet, I'm just hoping it'll happen along the way." Okay, so now I'm sure that they'll both be okay when it's called off.

"Oh, okay then, good luck with that. We should get back to the house now." She gave a nod of her head and we calmly walked to the house now that my mind was put at ease for both people.

Magnus's POV

Ragnor has always had a bad taste in furniture. I think to myself as I sit at his desk, though he could probably say the same thing about me. Even though I'm out of town I still have work to do, luckily Ragnor has kept his house stocked over the years. I to do a job for an especially annoying client that consisted of gathering several different deadly plants for a potion that has a similar effect as acid, but much stronger to the point where it can Burt anything. Reason why he wants it, I have no idea, but I don't judge and he's paying good money for it. I was picking the spikes off of a small rose(don't ask me why a rose is in the ingredients along with deadly plants, I didn't make these potions) when there was a knock on the door. I got up from the desk and opened the door to see a small red-head, and a man who's hair was way too dark to be natural.

They were mostly just blabbering about whatever they were talking about, I really didn't care to be honest. Once I had enough I froze the guy and Clary had begun to get mad at me. "Where's Ragnor Fell?" she asked, this actually got me to pay attention to her. I brought her inside and showed her the parts of the house I haven't cleaned up yet. She was taken back because his death was so sudden, and she really needed him to help with her mother. "Please how can I wake her up?"

"Well there is one way, The Book of White. It's a very powerful spellbook that has a spell to wake your mother up."

"Great! Where is it?"

"The last person who had it was your mother herself, she hid it in Wayland Manor in a book entitled 'Cooking Recipes for Housewives,' can't say your mother didn't have a sense of humor. Just bring it to me and I'll do the spell for you."

"Thank you, Magnus."

"Anyway what's the situation with the guy out there?"

"H-hes just a friend."

"Are you sire, because he clearly doesn't see it that way. He was reaching for your hand like a squirrel diving for a walnut."

"Don't get into my relationships, any way what's the situation with you and Alec?"

"He refuses to acknowledge me, so I refuse to acknowledge him, the other day he send me a fire message addressed to 'warlock Bane' like I was nobody to him."

"Don't be so harsh on him, he's going though a lot, and fire messages aren't always accurate so he probably just didn't want anyone finding it."

"I know just sometimes I wish he would just tell everyone. I can see this whole wedding thing is making him miserable, so why doesn't he just put an end to it? He keeps saying he'll tell everyone but he never does."

"Give him some time, now can you please unfreeze Sebastian."

"Can't I keep him? I could hang coats on him."

"No you have Alec." I rolled my eyes at her and snapped my fingers so 'Sebastian' was unfrozen. He continued talking where he left off, seriously is that all he can do? I ordered them to leave a little more harshly than I should've, but it worked and before I knew it the two were out of my sights. I went back inside with a satisfied smile on, and got back to work.

Yeah I'm not proud of this chapter, it was a little all over the place, and like I said be for I forgot some things from City of Glass so I just improvised. I needed this chapter because without it the next chapter seemed as if I skipped a huge portion of the book without it, but I promise you it's better than this one. Anyway stay awesome and goodbye

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