Chapter2:home surprise

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I open the door to my house and lunged into my arms was a very blonde girl.

"oh my gosh it's you, when did you get here, how did you get here, why are you here."

My best friend in the world was standing right in front of me with her blonde hair and blue eyes. she was 5'5" wearing a tank top with an over jacket and leggings. most of all though it was my best friend of all time standing in front of me Amber.

"I flew in yesterday from new jersey." she said with a giggle.

" oh my gosh are you serious, all this way just to see me." I was beyond over joyed, but I could tell something wasn't right ever time I looked at her she giggled a lit bit.

"I wasn't the only one that flew in to see you" Amber had this smile on her as she said this, but she kept this look in her eyes that she was trying so hard to keep a straight face and not give anything away.

"what are you talking about you aren't the only one." I was so confused what could she be talking about.

" I think you should check you mail." she said this with a laugh so loud it made me luge for the pile of envelopes.

Sure enough I found an envelope that was address to me I ripped it apart. so excited I began to read what the letter said.

                                Dear, Jessie (aka Jessica)

   by the time you get this I am guessing Amber will already be there and if not sorry For ruining the amber surprise. Any ways I've been having a great time in Texas how are you in South Carolina. How's the weather I hope it is shorts worthy because if not that is a bummer.

wait why is she asking me if the weather is short worthy and if not why is it a bummer, unless I read faster and more intensely. 

I bet your wondering why I am asking about the weather. If so here is why, I left you a little surprise in your bedroom. Go ahead hurry and go check.

                                         sincerely, Bri Bri (aka Briane)

I rushed to my bedroom dropping the letter on the ground. I pushed open my door and there laying on my bed was Briane. I was having the best day ever first Amber now Briane, I don't know if I can handle anymore good surprises.

" hey there girly what do you think is it a shorts day or a pants day" Briane smirked

"what the hell are you doing, how, oh my god." I flung my self onto Briane just like Amber had done to me and I was pretty sure if I held on to her for any longer she would stop breathing. As soon as I was about to let go I felt another body fall on me and it was Amber praising the lord that we were all together again, but at that moment I realized something was missing. Then there was plump and now I was feeling like I could barley breath.

"guys don't act like it is the three musketeers we all know were the four little rascals." my sister hopped on top of Amber smashing us all together. Everything felt right at that moment and then I realized something why were we all smash together. I push my way out and we all toppled off of the bed and they all gave me strange looks like we were having a family moment, what happen.

"how did you and amber get here and why are you here and Sam did you know about this." I lectured them about how it isn't good to keep secrets. Also how if you did know Sam how long have you been keeping this secret and you should have told me I cant believe you. Wait did mom know and not tell me oh I can trust you guys anymore.

"First of all sis you should know I only found out when I got home so I was just as surprised as you." Samantha said staring at Amber and Briane with the look like yea why didn't you tell me don't you trust me what's wrong with you guys.

"So that just leaves you two, please tell me why your here." I asked them hoping that for once I would get a straight answer out of somebody.

"well I am in the clear to because amber called me and arranged this plan for me to come down here," Briane looked over at amber "so spill amber why are we all here, not that I'm complaining."

"what cant I just want all of us to hang out" Amber said will she started around my room trying hard not to make eye contact with any of us

I don't think any of us were buying it though "sure amber cause that is a totally normal reasons for two people to take a plane flight too South Carolina in May." I said to her.

"Hey what can I say, I love to swim and the weather is better down here." she said knowing that we weren't buying what she was selling quickly she said "Hey lets continue this conversation later when I am willing to tell you."

We all knew we would get no where arguing with Amber. She was so stubborn it was a lost cause. We all agreed to forget it till later even though we wanted answers now.

"So how about a trip to the mall I think it is time for one." Bri Bri was very smart to say that because that would defiantly help us forget about why amber had us all come. We hopped in the car an Sammie drove us to the mall.

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