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Hello frnds! This is mars.Here I m going to give one shot.Hope u will like it.
DISTRACTION (swasan os)
Swara gododia: she is 17 years old young girl.she is natural beauty but never care about her beauty.Her life starts and ends with books.she can skip her food but not studies inshort bookworm.she is in 12th standard in St.Joseph's convent school.Topper of her class.she has opted non-medical to proceed her career in engineering.
Sanskar maheshwari: He is also 17 years old young handsome boy and her dream is to be engineer that is why he opted non medical.He studies in swara's class in St Joseph's convent school.He always comes second in class as swara comes first.
Both swasan live in hostel.swara in girls hostel and sanskar in boys.They are friends just bcoz they are toppers so they take part in school competition like speech,debate,quiz etc so they used to talk as classmates.
Swara's parents shekar and shomi pressurize swara to score maximum marks whereas sanskar's parents ram and sujata never force him to study but still he is bookworm.
St Josepoh's convent school:

Around the notice board there was crowd of 12th standard students who were looking for their first semester result on the list.
At the top of the list was written
following was
then were names of other students.
Sanskar came out of crowd after looking at his result and then he saw Swara coming to noticeboard to see her result.Sanskar waited for her.After few mins she came back Sanskar went to her
Sanskar: congratulations Swara u again topped.
Swara: thanks btw congrats to u too.
Sanskar: thank you.What are u going to do in this week holidays.?
Swara: I m going to my house and u?
Sanskar: even I m also going to my home.
Swara: ok bye meet u later.
Sanskar: bye.
They left to their hostel and then to their homes with their respective parents.
Gododia house:
Shekar: i proud of u Swara u again topped the exams.I m hoping same result till the finals.
Swara: yes papa.
Shomi: swara never get distracted to surroundings.just concentrate on studies.
Swara: Ji ma.
Like this shekar and shomi talked with her just regarding studies only.
Maheshwari house:
Sanskar is sitting on dining table and sujata is feeding her.

Sanskar: mom enough I can't eat more.
Sujata: this last bite plz.
She again feed him.
While ram was seeing them and smiling.
Ram: how r your studies going on sanskar.
Sanskar: very good papa I stood second in class I will show u my report card later.
Ram: okay
Sujata(annoyed): how many times I told when sanskar is having food don't talk about studies.
Sanskar: its ok mom.
Then they spend quality family time together.
After one week:
School was reopened after one week holidays.
12th class
A lecture is going on and swasan are listening with full concentration when someone came
Boy: excuse me sir.
Teacher: yes
Boy: principal Sir has called swara and sanskar in his office now.
Saying this he left.
Teacher: swara and sanskar go to principal Sir's office.
Swasan: yes sir.
They both came out.
Swara(bit nervous): why sir would have called us?
Sanskar: don't know let's go and see.
Principal office:
Swasan entered after taking permission.
Principal: yes come students u must be curious to know why I called u all of sudden.
Swasan nodded.
Principal: actually I got to know that there is science quiz competition going to held next week on district level so u r my brilliant students and I want u to take part and represent our school .
Any queries, ?
Swasan: no sir.
Principal: ok then u both have one week to prepare.U can study together after school or even during free periods u both can sit in library and prepare.
Swasan: ok sir.
Principal: all the best.
Swasan: thank you sir.
They left to their class.
After school
swasan are sitting on bench to start their preparations
Sanskar:so swara we have to prepare physics, chemistry and mathematics
We have a week and for each subject two days right.
Sanskar: with which subject we r going to start.?
Swara: chemistry
Sanskar: no physics plzz
Swara: okay.
Then they studied for 3 hours.
Sanskar: enough for today we have to do school work also.
Swara nodded.they bid bye and went to their rooms.
Everyday they used to study together and even enjoyed each other's company a lot.
Their closeness was increasing day by day .They were attracted to each other long back in lower classes but always suppress their feelings but now that attraction had changed into love and it become difficult for them to control their emotions.
After 6 days (day before competition)
Swara after school was going to her hostel when sanskar called her
Sanskar: swara wait
Swara: yes sanskar?
Sanskar: swara as tomorrow is competition so I think we should study at night also.
Swara(thought for a second): ok
Sanskar:then u r coming to my room or I should come?
Swara was hesitant to go to boys hostels.
Swara: actually I never come in boys hostels so plz if u can come.
Sanskar: alright no problem. I will be there at 8
Swara: ok
Both left to their room.
Girls hostel(8pm)
Swara's room
Swara was nervous as sanskar is going to come for the first time in her room.she really don't know why she was feeling something different.when she was busy in her thoughts then only there was knock on door.she slowly went and opened the door finding Sanskar with bundle of books.
Sanskar: hello
Swara: hi plz come inside.
Sanskar entered and swara closed the door.
Swara: sanskar plz sit(pointed towards her single sized bed).
Sanskar sit there and Swara also sat at some distance and in centre was many books.
Sanskar: so today we will revise all that we studied in last 6 days.
Swara nodded.
Sanskar: see Swara half syllabus u revise half I will do bcoz tomorrow we will be in one team only.
Swara: okay.
Then they started studying.
After hours, clock stuck 11. Swara yawned.Sanskar looked at her.
Sanskar: I think its enough.
Swara: no no I m fine
Sanskar: swara if we will over study then we will forget what we had done. Come let's take some fresh air.
Swara: I don't go out at night.
Sanskar (smiles): okay but in your balcony?
Swara: ok
Swasan came and stood near railing.
There was no one outside as their school is away from city and all must be sleeping.
They were enjoying the calm surrounding,pleasant weather and standing besides the person u love.
Then only swara saw some small insect on railing on her side.
She jumped towards Sanskar near his chest.
Sanskar: swara what happened?
Swara: there is something (point to insect)
Sanskar(saw it and laughs): oh god its just small insect. I must say u r very brave.
Sanskar throws away the insect.
Swara(pouts): u r making fun of me.
It was then sanskar looked at her.she was standing very close to him and her hands on his chest and his around her waist. Both got lost in each others eyes.sanskar looked at her Shivering lips.he just want to capture them but then looked in her hazel nut eyes for permission.swara unknowingly closed her eyes in anticipation.sanskar placed his lips on her, current passes from their body as their lips touch.they kissed for few seconds when they break it.
Swara opened her eyes and realized what she did.she immediately came out of his grip and ran to her room.
Sanskar got confused.
Swara entered inside and was breathing heavily.
Sanskar came inside and saw her.
Sanskar placed his hand on her shoulder and she jerked and looked at him.
Swara's eyes were filled with tears. Sanskar saw them and was about to put his hand on her cheeks when she moved back .
Sanskar: what happened swara.
He moved towards her but she moves back and strike with wall.Sanskar stood in front of her.
Sanskar: tell me why r u crying.
Swara: I m so..ory. It was mist..ake
She said stammering Sanskar got shocked
Sanskar (cups her face): but swara it was not mistake for me I know neither for u
Swara looked at him
Swara: then??
Sanskar: I love you(said closing his eyes).
Swara got shocked with his sudden confession.
Sanskar: don't u love me?
Swara don't know what to say. Then she remembered her mothers words that don't get distracted.
Swara (avoiding eye contact): no
Sanskar: don't lie.
Swara: plzz Sanskar.
Sanskar moves his face near to her and started kissing her face moving to neck.swara's hand automatically reached in his hairs pressing him more.
She just can't control her feelings anymore.their eyes were closed and they were lost in each other.This was new feeling for them.
Swara(whispers): love u too.
As soon as swara said sanskar looked at her.Her eyes were still closed. He smiles and said
Sanskar: Swara look at me.
Swara opens her eyes slowly and looked at him.
Sanskar (bend and said in her ear): now may I kiss you?
Swara slightly nodded and looked down.sanskar chuckles and placed his lips gently on her.They kissed each other passionately till they were out of breathe.Then they hugged tightly that even air can't pass between them.
Sanskar(kissed her forehead): now sleep good nyt and bye.
Swara: good nyt.
Sanskar left to his room.swara closed the door after him and was feeling very happy.It was like someone is loving her first time. No doubt her parents love her but they never expresses.She was feeling blessed to have Sanskar.
Next day:
They were well prepared for the competition and they took part very well and got second position.Principal was happy with their achievement.
Swasan were moving in the park and enjoying the nature.
Sanskar:swara when u started loving me.
Swara: hmm exactly don't know but u were my crush since 8th standard and I didn't realized when my crush changed into love(smiles) and u?
Sanskar: same mine also I was attracted towards u long back but started loving u in 12th standard.
Swara: what r your future plans?
Sanskar: not much I just want to be engineer and your's?
Swara: ok and for now I just want good %age to get admitted in top university.
Sanskar: ok.
Like they talked for sometimes and went to their rooms.
Now it become their daily routine to spend time with each other but nobody get to know their relationship.
It was now 3 months since they were in relation. They used to study together sometimes watch movies .swara has also changed now she started enjoying life.They even give their second semester exams.
After 4 months:
Today is result of second semester.All students were near noticeboard except swara.she is tensely sitting on bench in park.when sanskar came and sit beside her and put his hand on her.
Sanskar: what r u doing here u didn't went to see result.
Swara: no you saw?
Sanskar: no let's see together come.
He got up.
Swara(bites her nails): I don't want to see.
Sanskar: why?
Swara: my papers were not good.
Sanskar: offfo Swara don't be so pessimistic.
He held her hand and went to see result
At noticeboard:
She saw the list while sanskar was standing at the back.she looked at first name and jumped in happiness and hugged Sanskar.
The names were
Swara: congratulations Sanskar I m so happy for u.
Sanskar: thanks and congratulation to u also.
It was then swara realized that her %age has dropped. She was really happy for sanskar but was afraid of his parents reaction.
Swara(fakely smiles)thank you.
Sanskar: ok come I will give u treat.
Swara: no Sanskar actually my parents are coming so I have to go.
Sanskar(sad): oh I have to live without u for one week.
Swara: hmm.ok bye
Sanskar moves closed to her and kissed her forehead and said
Sanskar: take care bye.
Swara: u tooo.
Then they left with their parents.
Maheshwari house:
Sanskar was sitting with ram and sujata.
Ram: finally u topped .
Sanskar: yes papa.(normally).
Sujata: my son is born brilliant.
Sanskar just smiled.
Sujata: u find some girl or not?
Ram signed.
Sanskar blushes slightly reminiscencing swara.
Sujata:(jumped in excitement): oh god who is my bahu?
Sanskar: nothing like that mom
He left smilingly.
Sanskar's room
Sanskar tried swara's no.to ask she reached or not.
But she was not attending the call.
Sanskar thought to call later.
Gododia house:
Shekar was shouting and swara was standing with tears in her eyes whereas shomi was also supporting shekar.
Shekar: what is this swara? How your marks decreased that to by 1% do u know with this 1% less only hundreds of students will crush you.
Swara(crying): soo..ry
Shekar: I don't need your sorry.I want result.Have u seen the Cutoff's of top universities. If u will get such marks u won't get admission anywhere.
Shomi: why u didn't studied properly swara ?
Swara was just crying.
Shekar(shouts): crying is not the solution swara.now your boards are in four months so u have to only study.Forget everything and yes give me your mobile. I don't think there is need of it.Whenever we want to talk we will call to school office.
Swara with shivering hand take out mobile from her bag and give to shekar.
Shekar switched off the phone and kept in drawer.
Swara ran to her room cryingly.
Swara's room
She was crying and cursing herself for not studying properly.
Swara(talking to herself): its all my mistake I should have studied properly.mom was right I got distracted. I should have not confessed Sanskar bcoz of which I got away from my path.(wipes her tears) but don't worry I will score in finals I will study very hard but I will break my relation with Sanskar I don't want any distractions only study.
But her heart cried that she loves him.
Swara: no no I will forget him I will be busy in studies and will not remember him.
Like this one week was over.Sanskar tried her no. Thousand times but it was always switched off.He really want to talk to her but then thought to wait for one week swara used to study at home.no outing nothing.
After one week
St Joseph's convent school
Boys hostel:(Sunday)
Sanskar had already came and was waiting for swara eagerly.
Shekar left swara at hostel by warning her to only study.
Swara thought to tell Sanskar that she don't want to be in this relation anymore.she was gaining courage not to break down as it was not easy for her also .
She took mobile from one of her classmate and called Sanskar.
Sanskar saw unknown no. and picked the call
Sanskar: yes whose this?
Swara(closed her eyes): sanskar
Sanskar:swara(got up) where were u and u know how many times I called u.
Tears flows from her eyes.she clutched her dress.
Sanskar: swara u came back?
Swara: hmm sanskar I want to meet u.
Sanskar: Ofcouse I also want to meet, u know how much I missed u.
Swara: come to park.
Sanskar: ok I will come.
Swara is waiting for Sanskar when he came and hugged her tightly but she didn't hug him back.He noticed this and looked at her.
Sanskar: swara u are ok.
Swara: sanskar I want to tell u something.
Sanskar(put his hand on her cheeks): yes say.
Swara(closed her eyes): I don't want to be in this relation anymore.
Sanskar was taken aback.
Sanskar (whispers): what but why??
He moved close to her.
Swara: it is wrong Sanskar. I was just distracted from my path.
Sanskar (teary eyes): don't u love me.
Swara(took deep breathe):no it was just attraction.
Sanskar: but how can u
Swara: Sanskar plzz don't ask anything its over .
Saying this she ran away.
Sanskar: swara(shouts)
Sanskar's heart break into million pieces.How stupid he was to think to such extend.
He just want to cry loudly.
Swara was also crying in her room seeing sanskar like this just bcoz of her.
From that day swasan never talked with each other. Sanskar tried few times to talk but Swara never responded.so he stopped trying.
Now they only study to score best in final.
After four months they give their exams.
Last day of school
Farewell party.
Swasan came in party but they were not enjoying.it was hurting them that they will not be able to see each other again.
When party was about to end
Swara went near sanskar.seeing her coming near his heart beat increased
Swara: hi
Swara:all the best for your future.
Sanskar:thanks and same to u.
Swara:thank you.
Before swara could say anything sanskar left from their to stop himself from breaking down.
As he left,tears flowed from Swara's eyes.
It was last time they talked and saw each other.
They left the school but not the memories..
After few months their result came and as usual swara topped in state and Sanskar second.
When swara got the result she was happy for her parents but guilty for breaking sanskar's heart.
And when sanskar saw the result he chuckles bcoz from childhood they are coming like this first swara second sanskar.he tried to bury his feeling deep inside his heart.
Swasan got admission in best engineering colleges. Both got busy with their further studies but still love was somewhere persisting in them for each other.
Love can be one's weakness or strength. It depends on us how we treat our love.
Every story does not have happy ending but I love my swasan so those who want to see their adult love story with happy ending tell me I will love to give it's sequel but if I get good response.
Kindly leave your comments
Thank you

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