Shota Aizawa (can't think of a title)

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Y/n l/n and Shota Aizawa were the closest friends that anyone knew at school. Where ever Aizawa was you be sure to see Y/n cheerfully smiling and jumping around him, while ranting to him about various things . Suck examples are a favorite character in the show you loved dying and how much it fuck you up with all the feeellllzzz or how you hate math to death and wished you were better at it ( Which with Aizawa's help you did get significantly better at Math ) and such.

Normally if anybody even tried to do this to him, Aizawa would automatically became annoyed and tell them to buzz off not wanting to deal with them, but for some reason when it came to Y/n he didn't mind her and all her rants about rather trivial things ( aleast to him that is)
that you were passionate about. People who known Aizawa for quite a while found this fairly interesting.

Why would he treat Y/n differently ? They would asked themselves. Y/n in a manner of speaking is just like any other person in the hero academy. The only notable thing about Y/n is her remarkably energetic and passionate personality. Other than that she was pretty bland (in their opinion). Just as normal as any other hero course student.

" Aizawa ! Do you think I would ever get to be an amazing pro hero when I grow up ? " you asked Aizawa as you layed your head on his shoulder outside on the park staring up at the sky. " I believe so Y/n" You lifted up your head smiling widely looking at Aizawa's direction . " Really ! You think I could be an amazing hero as ( insert any hero name) !" He nodded. " Indefinitely, you have so many qualities a great hero requires to become a pro ." Y/n hugged him tightly. " Thanks Aizawa, your one of the first person to believe in me." You said softly in his school uniform.

" No reason to thank me Y/n. Soon enough people all over the world will believe in you like I have. "

" I hope your right Aizawa."

" Of course I am Y/n, your amazing "

Two years had passed since that day and it was now the last year of high school for the two. Not only was it the last year, but also the last week of school before graduating. Y/n and Aizawa was walking together from school like anyother day just talling about whatever came to mind, but today was different.

Today you...

Today you gave up.

You gave up being a hero

" Aizaw... Shota, I... I don't think all this hero business is for me anymore." Aizawa looked at you never and i mean never ever called him by his first name the only time you have is when you were serious (mainly 'cause you preferred Aizawa over Shota) and on top of that you no longer wanted to be a hero. Being a hero was always your dream since you were a pre-schooler, so it somewhat shocked him to hear you say that. " Why's that? " He asked in his normal annoyed sounding tone of voice trying not to express his surprise. " I..." You paused a bit before continuing. " I just feel that I'm not cut out to be a hero... Ya know ? " there was a silence as you looked down at the locket you were wearing. " I just feel like I wasn't made for all this. "

Aizawa looked away infront of himself pondering about the reasons for you saying this. " Is there any particular determinant that lead you to say or think this way ? ", he asked.
You ignored him and continued to walk signalling that she didnt want to be bothered any further.

The past few days you've began to come less and less till it was gradation day. You hadn't shown up at all. Aizawa looked everywhere for you but to his dismay couldn't find you.

Its been quite a few years since you and Aizawa had last encounter eachother. In those years you have a name for yourself, but unfortunately it wasn't for the best. You see you've had become the most wanted villian in Japan.

" Y/n, Why did you waste your potential to became a villian." Shota Aizawa your old friend or rather Eraser Head your enemy shouted out to you as he trows his scarf at him tangling you in it to keep you from moving. You didn't struggle, didn't move,didn't respond. You just stared at the ground. He didn't control you but it all didnt matter. There was no point. Your life was passed the point of return. It was hopeless. You just wished that you were never born. You just wished you had listened to Aizawa that night. If you did ypu wouldn't have met him . You would have been controlledby him. You wouldn't have hurt anyone ! You wouldnt have Aizawa !

Flllaaaash back time in your pov

I was late at night and Hizashi, Aizawa and I were walking around to neighborhood after coming from the movie theater to watch  (insert favorite movie). There was another one we watch for the hell of it bit I had quickly forgoten the name not really paying attention to the name or whats the movie about in the beginning. To be totally honest I just nodded my head and muttered out a " mmhmm okay. " 

That doesn't matter tho what matters is the fact that its late and you were out in crime ridden streets. " Y/n before I go to my house I'm going to take you home so you wont be harmed." Aizawa said after Hizashi left to enter inti his house .

" Im fine Aizawa. It was nice of you to think of my safety but i won't be necessary."

" Are you sure Y/n ?"

I nodded." Yes of course I am and if anything happens I could use my telekinetic quirk to protect myself
. Now , get to your hpuse before your family begins to worry. " I sais to reassure him I'll be okay. Aizawa sighed " Okay if you sat so but if ypu not at school tomorrow I'll flip. "

I nervously smiled " okay okay now go !"

In that day after Aizawa had left a villin with mind control had controled me since.


The sudden pain of your body being thrown down on the groud snapped you out of your thoughts.

" Answer me... Why ?"

You didn't respond
. You took out a button that was in your right pocket, which you had took from Him after you were set free. You weakly looked up from the button and smiled but with prue happy just like the smiles you gave Aizawa when you were young.

" Goodbye Shota . Please say hi to Hizashi and the others for me. Tell them I've missed them greatly, that I never meant for this to happen and that I love them all... Especially you Shota Aizawa. "

A loud boom rang there the city as Y/n pressed the button setting off the bomb alarms attached to her.

A/n Fuck this is shitty but whatever it's late and I thought i could give you a small sample of my shitting writting. I'll maybe fix it tomorrow .

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