The Meeting

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Today was Friday, and you were excited for the weekend. You were going to do so much fun stuff! Hanging out with friends, buying the new Crash Bandicoot game and playing it, and various other exciting things. You thought this day would quickly flash by and be boring, but you were oh so wrong.

You woke up, not feeling particularly bad or good, just nuetral. You brushed your teeth, had your morning cup of coffee accompanied with two somehow-perfectly crisp slices of toast. After doing the entire morning routine, you grabbed your keys and got in the car to drive to work. It took 5 minutes to get to work, which you were thankful for. That meant you didn't need to rush in the morning.

You arrived, and the various other maids greeted you with smiles. You quickly were handed your outfit and rushed to the bathroom to change. "This day will fly by, and I'll be able to enjoy myself with weekend. It'll be fine!" You mumbled to yourself as you changed to your beloved costume. You stepped over to the mirror to check yourself, and you looked banging. I have the perfect body for this maid outfit. You thought to yourself with pleasure.

You stepped out and immediately began serving customers here and there. Your job was simple, and you got paid a good amount of money. This was the life.

Looking sexy and getting paid for it. This is what successful strippers must feel like.

Nothing out of the ordinary happened this day. You served many, a good a few people slid you their phone number with sly grins and thirsty eyes, you smiled and thanked them but internally declined, and you looked hot as fuck the entire day. Like you said, today will be a breeze.

That was until, a familiar face walked through the door.

His eyes sparkled, his fur glowed, and his speech was imperfectly perfect. You knew who this was, and you have never lusted for anyone has much as you did right now. You knew, Crash Bandicoot walked through the doors of my cafe. You were determined to be the one to be at his service, and you rushed to him right away.

"Hello, sir," You smiled at him. You pulled all your cards to look absolutely stunning. "Uhh, yeah, hi-," He said. He looked up and, right away, he changed completely. He turned into a more open and confident looking person in the span of one second. You could tell, you won him. "And hello to you~" He grinned in your direction, his eyes practically glued onto you.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Oh, my name's (y/n)." You replied, moving into a position to show of your beautiful body.

"(Y/n), huh? Well, that's a sexy name~" He practically growled at you, biting his lip. You blushed deeply, you couldn't have enough.

You did everything you would do to a normal customer, but with pizzazz, you were as extra as possible just so you could earn his godly phone number. Maybe even his address. But what you also wanted was his heart. NOTHING could top that, and that would eternally give you happiness.

After being served, he decided to play hard to get. "Hmm, your service was perfect today, but should you really get my...number..?" He was baiting you, and it was working. "Ohh, please master, earning something like that would really make me happy~" You whispered to him. He smiled evily and slammed a paper with his number on the desk. He stood up, and walked out, looking confident as ever.

You did it. You got Crash's number. You won him over.

Your shift ended, and you ran out if the cafe just so you could get home and text the dreamy Crash Bandicoot. Your shift ended rather early today, which meant more talking with the man of your dreams. You slammed all your stuff on a table when you got inside your home, and you threw yourself on the couch. You whipped your phone out and the paper out, punching his number into your phone.

After making him a contact and everything, you decided to text him. "Hey, its (y/n) from the maid cafe. It was so nice meeting you and I was hoping we could get close~" Your text read. He instantly responded, sending his address and telling you to show up immediately in your maid outfit or else. Despite the threatening tone of the text, you threw on a spare costume you had at home and drove as fast as you could to his house.

Upon reaching his house, you could tell he was made of money. His home towered above the living spaces of his neighbours. His house was more luxurious looking compared to any other house you've ever seen. You were lucky to enter that house, and now you knew a surprise was waiting for you behind those doors.

You rung the doorbell, and in response a husky voice shouted, "Come in!" You turned the handle, shaking with anticipation and happiness, unlocked the door, and instantaneously was grabbed and slammed on a wall. "Hello~" Crash Bandicoot whispered in your ear.

"Wh-What are you..!" you said blushing. Daddy Crash said "ShhhhhhhhHHHHhHHhHhh I'm making you feel real good baby." He began thrusting you from behind as he slowly took off his shorts. He turned you around and slowly walked over to the bed and pushed you on it.

He got on top of you and started kissing you. It was subtle and soft at first, but slowly got more rough and passionate. He slowly slid his (yummy 😩💦💦💦) tounge in your mouth and explored every inch of your mouth. "Mmm~" you hummed into the kiss. He slowly started kissing your lips, then kissing your neck, and then your collar bone. He started nibbling there and waa leavinf marks. He slowly started putting his hand on your inner thigh. "Hng.." you moaned. He slowly put his stubby fingers into your peepee hole."tAd-Ah..!" Was all that left his mouth at that moment.

"Jeez, this shit is tighter then my ass when I have to take a huge dump." The thought of his tight asshole made you wetter than... well... nothing can really compare to how wet you are right now. He started rubbing his fingers inside you . He continued this for several minutes.

You felt so pleased.

You couldn't take it anymore.

You were going to climax.

"I..I'm ...! I'm gonna..!" You came and started moaning the Crash Bandicoot Theme, Earrape Addition. And that is the story of how you lost your virginity to the most handsome furry of them all, Crash Bandicoot.





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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2019 ⏰

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