All the guys looked at each other guilty & laughed.

'Oh my god' i laugh at all their guilty faces.

'Well you guys better eat up then, we've got another five hours worth of driving' I mumble covering my mouth yawning.

After a few moments of silence, just the sound of cutlery clinking between the five men finishing up their food & stealing from each other.

Duff seems just as stunned & questioned as me.

'Did Donner tell you I was picking you up?' I questioned Duff seriously.

'No.. he said he was going to be here, I had no clue you'd be here'. He let out, annoyance laced in his voice, looking at me in the eyes.

I can't believe Donner blinded the both of us! I thought to myself. But  I'm glad he did, Donner seems to always do beneficial things but in totally confusing ways.

I brush some of my blonde tendrils out of my face, so I wasn't as hidden.

I acidentally wince in pain as my hand brushes a cut or bruise on my upper forhead. Ok that's one I didn't feel earlier.

All the guys heads shoot in my direction, with Duff frowning at me in concern.

'Uh Sorry guys, I'm just going to go to the ladies if you'll excuse me' I let out a chuckle & smile, holding back the pain.

Duffs Pov:
I can't believe Donner tricked us, the asshole. Megan has changed a lot over 2 years. She's always been pretty, but wow!. I almost didn't recognize her for a second. But I immediately noticed the purple markings over her frame, wearing her lil denim shorts.

But she has changed another way to though, she has always been a quiet one but now?. She seems like a beaten dog? & I don't get why she would be here, when every time I tried to get in touch she never bothered with me.

So why now?, boy Donner got us good.

'She's lovely' Steven chirps in.

I turn my head from watching Megan head to the bathrooms, under the bright white lights.

'What's up with you man?' Axl nudged my side, adjusting his aviators on his head.

'I Ugh.. Nothing, I'll meet you guys outside'. I turn away from Axl sliding off the booth, standing to my feet  heading towards the bathrooms. I need to talk to her alone, I can't wait another 5 hours of this.

Megan's POV
I grit my teeth, covering the cut that I had covered with my hair & cleaned the dried blood out of my hair. Feeling the bruised cut, as I place a small patch over it.

'Are you OK?' A deep voice fills the empty bathroom, with the door quietly being shut.

'Agh! Shit don't scare me like that!' I jump & glare at him, quickly moving my hand away from my head. Focusing my attention on packing my makeup bag into my handbag, currently cluttering the old sink.

Duff chuckles at my reaction before I hear his cowboy boots pad on the tiles. Placing a hand on my cheek gently, before brushing my hair to the side.

'How did you get this?' Duff demanded while his hand rest on the side of my head.

'Why did you never call me?' My mouth whispered, not even taking in  his question.

Duff seemed taken back for a moment & all his features just wiped straight off his face before frowning down at my short frame.

'I did!, you never answered me?' Duff retorted, moving his hand back to his side.

'I always tried calling you whenever I could & I sent you letters, but I stopped after a while' Duff answered as confused as i was.

'No you didn't, I never heard from you' I leaned my back against the sink.

'Why didn't you just tell me you didn't want to talk to me anymore & just move on!?' I add trying to refrain my tears, from an already emotional roller coaster of a day.

'Meg's... i promised to stay in touch because I wanted to. I really did write & call to many times to count.'

'I figured you didn't want to talk to me anymore & that you might of even moved. Ma always said she never sees you around, what's the hells up with that?' Duff let out softly noticing the dams building in my eyes.

'Why wouldn't i want to talk to you? When your the closest person I've got, especially now?' I face back to the sink & mirror.

I zip up my handbag, a tear slipping as realization waves over me after a moment. Duff wouldn't lie to me.

Why wouldn't i of thought of this earlier, I'm such a dumbass...

'That motherfucker' I slip as rage builds in the pit of my gut. Eventually looking up to Duffs reflection in the mirror.

An all to dramatic day becomes all to much, as my eyes give up on me & breakdown. To think that one asshole who abused me in anyway he could, had to add insult to injury.

I feel two arms envelope me in a securing hug & look at me confused through the mirror.

My sobs to strong to hold back.
'Shhh, it's alright' Duff turns me into a full on hug, brushing his fingers through my hair.

'I'm so sorry Duff, I.. i should've known before getting cold at you' i mumble against his leather jacket.

'Should've known what? What are you talking about?'. He pulled away holding my arms.

I let out a shaky sigh, not particularly wanting to burden Duff with all my crap.

' ex. He would of hid your letters from me.'

'I'm sorry' I sniffle looking up at his golden orbs.

'& being the asshole he is, he would of  hung up your calls' I add carefully wiping my eyes. I add hoping I'm not to much of a mess.

Duff responds by hugging me even tighter.

'Don't be sorry, for something you didn't do'. 'We're both here now, so that's all that matters'. Duff replies hoarsely, disappointment of lost time in his voice.

As Duffs rough thumb wipes away the  last of my tears, a person's throat purposely being cleared echoes through the bathroom.

We both look up to see a grey haired elderly lady looking at the two of us disapprovingly.

'Uh.. i think that's our cue to leave' Duff mumbles amused, making me chuckle lightly.

Sorry for the slow (hopefully not to disappointing chapter) I have been really sick. :/

Hope everyone is keeping safe n happy.

P.s if you haven't read my other story Lafayette Love , i would really appreciate if you could have a read! As i have more time now to update!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2017 ⏰

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