Kuroo Tetsurou » Fraud Churros

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...in which a girl visits the library and stumbles upon a seemingly lost boy...


Y/N had always dreamed of the perfect life. Graduating as the valedictorian in her grade, having a well paying job, and most importantly, keeping track with her social and love life.

But she knew, that she wasn't a procrastinator and that out of all her dreams being crushed, it would be her social and love life.

Her parents would always remind her that education would go first and having the inability to defy against her own blood and flesh, she would listen.

All seemed forgotten to her when it focused on the topic revolving around her other aspects in life.

The familiar mahogany oak doors of Nekoma library stood in front of her. The library consisted more than enough information she would need to graduate with top grades. She would visit the library ever so often, at least once a week to study hard and full fill her wish as valedictorian.

She rushes into the library silently. Being acquainted with the library's environment, she smiles to herself. Y/N greets the head librarian, Mr. Nakamura, quietly and dashes pass him into her favorite section of the library where she would find peace and quiet.

Out of all the times of the day, this would be Y/N's favorite so far. She slowly trails between bookshelves of her favorite section. Suddenly, she hears a soft thud echo just a few feet from her.

She looks up to see a muscular but slender like boy around her age with hazel eyes that reminded Y/N of a sly cat. His messy hair screamed 'I just woke up'. A part of his dark midnight hair covers his right eye, resembling a rooster.

He smiles sheepishly while rubbing the back of his neck nervously. Unable to react, she ignores his quiet commotion and reaches for a book on the top shelf.

Y/N stands on her toes, stretching her arms towards the book. Just as her hands grasped around the spine, a muscular hand beats her to it.

In surprise, she whips her head around to face the boy she stumbled upon earlier. He smiles at Y/N, giving her the book she was yearning to get. She flashes him a smile, exhibiting her pearly straight teeth.

"Thanks but I could've gotten it," She says softly.

Mesmerized by her voice, the boy falls into an adoring trance. He snaps out of his reverie and nods his head slyly. "What's your name?" He asks with a confident tone and sticks out his hand for her to shake.

Taken back by his sudden confidence, she replies and shakes his hand.

"I'm L/N, Y/N. What's your name?" She asks curiously.

"I'm Kuroo, Tetsurou but you can call me your boyfriend," he replies with pride and cockiness eminating from his voice.

"Well, I'll see you around?" She says, weirded out. She tilts her head slightly which Kuroo found more cute about her.

He didn't want her to leave his sight yet so he eagerly mutters up an excuse. "Could you actually help me with something?" he pipes up cunningly.

Y/N eyes him suspiciously but nevertheless agrees, seeing as she had no specific plans today; Exams had passed and she decided spend her afternoon at the library. "Well..." She trails on. "What do you need help with?"

"Uh-h.." He scratches the side of his head and pauses. "Uhm.. I need help with-"

Y/N raises her eyebrow at him.
She cleverly cuts him off. "Aren't you in a college prep class? I've heard from others you are 'smart', she quotes.

I'm busted, Kuroo thinks with panic decorating his facial features.

"Even smart people still need help too!" He flails his arms around and loudly exclaims, making a ruckus.

"Alright, fine. Fine! Just stop making so much noise!" She quietly yells at him.

He stops and grins at her, he links his arms with hers and starts to drag her along with him.

"Where are we going?!" Y/N bellows. "I thought.. I was gonna help you with a project or something."

She narrows her eyes at him, her E/C eyes turning into slits. "Well, I didn't say I needed help with my school work," he replies with a devious smirk.

A brilliant idea strikes Y/N's a mind. I'll just have to annoy him so he'll go away, she exclaims loudly in her mind.

"You can let go now. I have legs... Kuroo the churro" she swats his hand away from her, crossing her arms and huffing stubbornly. Y/N speaks to herself, ignoring the egotistic boy next to her. "Kuroo the churro? It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"

Kuroo grins at her again, seeing through her plan to annoy him. "Yes, it does!" he replies slyly.

"What do you need my glorious presence for anyways?" she says sarcastically, clearly annoyed that he saw through her.

"I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend," he replies bluntly. Not waiting for her reply, he grabs her wrist and runs toward a café. Y/N registers his words.

She looks at him in disbelief and slowly repeats his words in her mind. "So you go to a library to pick up a random girl instead of a book? You know.." she trails.

"You are really stupid for a smart guy. You could've went to Tinder or some other dating site!" she bellows in irritation, she slaps herself mentally for his ignorance.

"I mean.. who wouldn't want to date me!" he shouts in arrogance.  Y/N backtracks and looks at him. "Do you really want me to answer that?"

"Nevermind that, c'mon!" He yells impatiently while dragging her. Before they went inside the buzzling café, he whispers into her ear closely. His warm minty breath fanning the side of her ear, making her feel flushed. "After this, we could go on.."

"..a real date."

Haikyuu x Reader // OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora