PharahXMercy. Worry.

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A/N Some Pharmercy fun :). This story is set before the fall of Overwatch, but I may not have gotten the ages/timelines correct so... sorry.

Fareeha Amari is a... unique child. She tries to be good, don't get me wrong the only thing is... She's just a bit hyper and easily bored. Ana Amari, her mother, brings her to Overwatch HQ often due to Fareeha's father's absence (just roll with it!). Because Ana's usually busy with paperwork or out on missions, I'm often taking care of Fareeha. Which is a good thing and a bad thing, bad because she can get in the way and complains a lot. Good because the wounded soldiers I'm helping like to see the children they're protecting, give them hope.

Currently I was treating Commander Morrison since he had a large gash down his right arm. I was gently stitching it up when I heard the med bay door smash open, nearly making mess up and stab Jack with the needle. Fareeha came bounding up to up, a smile on her face and that adorable look in her eyes. "Hello." Morrison exclaimed cheerfully "Good morning Fareeha." "Jack, I told you it's Pharah." She said with a matter of fact tone. Jack kept smiling and replied "Haha, sorry Pharah. What trouble are you up to now?" "That depends on whether you tell Mum." She chuckled.

As they were talking I had finished stitching Morison's arm and I politely cut in "Commander could you just turn your arm around slowly so I can bandage it." He obliged with a slight grimace as I gently guided his arm round. "Gee, Jack. That looks nasty. What trouble have you been up to?" Fareeha asked.

Jack chuckled "Bit of this, bit of that, and whatever else I do on missions." "That's a boring answer. Did you get cut with a knife or fall of a building or something cool like that?" "I don't think your mother would approve of me telling you the story." "Aww, please?" Fareeha said, doing her best puppy eyes. The commander just smiled, shook his head and looked to me "Is that all doctor? I've got some forms to fill." "Yes Morison, that should be all." I said as he stood up "Thank you, Dr. Ziegler" and with a nod to Fareeha, he left.

"So what can I help you with Miss Amari?" I questioned, knowing full well what she was going to say. "Mum told me to stay with you since she's on a mission all day." Yeah, thought so. Thanks Officer Amari. "Well, what do you want to do then?" I said, luckily I had nothing to do until later this afternoon. She gave a shrug "I dunno." "We could go play video games?" She shook her head "I want to do something." "Okay then, how does the park sound?" "It sounds great!"

The rest of the day went normally, when it came to my appointment at four I just left her with McCree. Not the best plan since they got into trouble with Reyes, something about salt not sugar? Anyway later that evening at about nine O'clock when Officer Amari was scheduled to return from her mission all we received was a letter saying the mission was taking longer than she expected and she would be back tomorrow. It was unusual for Ana to come back late from missions, so she hadn't planned a place for Fareeha to say.

We were sitting in the staff room, with nothing really to do because it was getting rather late. Fareeha seemed worried, she wasn't giving her usual long cheerful answers, nor did she keep her outgoing boldness, just staring at the floor. These could also mean she was tired but considering the note we just got, it seemed more likely worried.

I gently placed my hand on her leg and asked "You okay?" She glanced up from the floor with a faint "Uh, yeah yeah." "That was a rhetorical question. I know you're worried about your mother." She slightly flinched at the word 'mother' "Angela... Will Mum be okay?" she moved her head round to look me in the eye. "Of course she will. She'll be back tomorrow just like she said she'd be." I said, trying my hardest to reassure her.

"Yeah, yeah... Of course she'll be back." I could tell she was still unsure. "Come here." I gently pulled her into a tight hug. "She'll be fine." I said quietly into her ear. I felt the back of my shirt get damp just under Fareeha's face. I pulled out the hug but kept her close. As I lifted a hand to wipe away the tears from her eye I said "Let's go back to my place, you can spend the night there, Okay?" She nodded slightly and gave a faint sigh.

The car was silent as we drove to my house. I considered going to visit her home to pick up some nightwear and other items but we didn't have the key so it would be pointless. I drove into my drive and exited the car. Only once I reached the door I realised Fareeha hadn't followed. I walked back to the car and opened the passenger door to see her having a sulk.

"Come on Fareeha, we're here." She grumbled and looked away. It was already about quarter to ten, she was probably tired. I reached in and unclipped her seat belt, then picked her up gently. Considering her size she was surprising light. Once we were in the door she had already fallen asleep in my arms.

I took her up to my room and gently laid her on the bed, I didn't have any guest rooms so we'd just have to share one. I pulled back the blanket and got in behind her. I reached round and turned off the bed-side lamp. I cuddled up behind her and fell asleep with her in my arms...

A/N This is going to be terrible... it's late... sorry. I hope you enjoyed this piece of fluff.
But now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go sleep... sleeeeep... oh sleep how I long for you... sleee-ZZZZZzzzz.


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