On my way to Abigail Adam's High, I see Farkle talking to Lucas and Zay.

After what happened yesterday, the conversation can't be good.

I start crossing the street, ready to fight the two until I  notice Zay giving Farkle a tight hug when Lucas was patting his back. I start to walk back onto the sidewalk, trying to avoid them but they notice me. Zay releases the hug and backs up with Lucas, knowing for what they did I can cause serious damage to them.

"Maya, I'm so sorry for the way I acted," Lucas said as he walked towards me, "I should've been there for Riley, what I did was really stupid and selfish. I know you'll probably tell her what happened when she wakes up, but all I can do is pray for your forgiveness."

"You yelled at me for what I said in my prayer..." I said under my breath, looking away from him.

"I know, I know, and I can never forgive myself for that. I'm a horrible person that doesn't deserve a girl like Riley. You do, and that's why I completely support your feelings for each other."

"Feelings for each other? What are you talking about, she's dating you." I feel my stomach drop as I spit out those words.

"Maya, do you really believe she loves me more than you? She's said it herself!"

"But it's only because we're best friends-"

"No, Maya. That's not it. I'm going to break up with her when the time's right because I know she wants to be with you. Whenever we go on dates, all she does is talk about you! We spent an entire night looking at pictures of you two together."

I'm speechless. I see Farkle and Zay behind him with huge smiles on their faces.

"What about you?" I ask him, "What about your feelings."

Lucas chuckles, looks back at the two guys, and back at me. "When she's happy, I'm happy. If she's happier with you, I'm happier."

I start to blush and giggle uncontrollably. I couldn't stop thinking about us together, hand and hand, not just as best friends, but as girlfriends.

"M-Maya? Are you okay?" Zay asks.

"Oh yeah, yeah!" I exclaim, "You know, just thinking about her just kind of makes me bubbly, hehe."

"This is exactly what I'm talking about! I want you two to be happy. Remember, we're all happy when you two are happy."

"Think back when Riley was getting bullied and she kept it in," Farkle said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "We all could tell she was hiding something, and that something wasn't good. All of our moods dropped to the lowest moods could drop. We did everything in our power to make things right, and who did she go to first? You."

"Thank you, Farkle. Thank all of you, this makes me feel a lot better."

We all lean in for a group hug. It felt empty though. Riley wasn't there.

You need to keep yourself positive. She will be here soon.

The four of us walk into class together, 15 minutes after Mr. Matthews began teaching.

"Mr. Friar, Mr. Babineaux, Ms. Hart, Minkus," our teacher said, "You're late."

"I'm sorry, Sir," Lucas said as we found our seats, "We got... caught up with things."

"Like what?"

"Let's just say it was worth the tardy," I answer with a side smile. I look at the three guys that makes the smile grow. He quickly understands and continues with the class.

When the bell rings, everyone files out of the class except me.

"Maya, you can't skip-"

"I can't do it," I cut him off, "I can't even last one class without her, how am I supposed to survive these few days without her, Matthews?" I begin to raise my voice. I feel the tears waiting at my eyelids to be released, but I'm not sad. I'm angry.

"I know Maya, I know. Imagine being her father and having to deal with this. I'm in so much pain, I never wanted this to happen, not to someone who did nothing to deserve this."

I start to see him tear up. I've never seen Mr. Matthews cry before, let alone upset. But who could blame him? His daughter is in the hospital and he can't do anything about it. I walk over to his desk and hug him, realizing this is the first time we've shared tears. His phone begins to ring and I begin to walk to my desk and grab my books. We smile at each other and I walk out the door.

"What?" I hear from the hallway, "What are you talking about, Topanga?"

I run back into Mr. Matthews' classroom to see what's happening.

What's going on? I mouth to him, but he ignores.

"Topanga, calm down. I will be there with the everyone else. O-Okay, bye"

"Mr. Matthews, what's going-"

"Maya, we don't have enough time. Riley woke up, but something went wrong. Get Lucas, Zay, and Farkle out of their classes and meet me in my car."


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