Chapter 13: Escape

Start from the beginning

I flinched for second looking up to see Jussie, "Don't scare me like that I was just about to whoop ya ass but I don't want these white folks thinking that all black people are ghetto sit ya ass down boy

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I flinched for second looking up to see Jussie, "Don't scare me like that I was just about to whoop ya ass but I don't want these white folks thinking that all black people are ghetto sit ya ass down boy." We laughed together, "I'm just waiting for you to tell me what happened momma since I was in the other room last night and I noticed momma bear and poppa bear was outside talking and screaming at each other." That's why I love Jussie even on my bad days he still he makes me smile.

"Get that napkin baby cause I'mma spill all the tea, Orlando and Terrence met right did you see Terry throwing shade at us like he tried to kiss me in front of my man like who does that?"

"Sounds about right tell me more." Jussie says, leaning into the table.

"Orlando went to the bathroom so me and Terry talked outside and he was just telling me how much he loves me and he wanted to know why me and him aren't meant to be like is this nigga crazy? I only see him as a friend he had so many chances to be with me so don't just make it seem like I just don't wanna date ya he was married twice and they got divorced I just didn't want to be a rebound again you feel me." Jussie nods his head while I talk, "I feel you ma."

"I didn't want to deal with baby momma drama and he has 2 kids now I love Qirin and Hero as if they were my own but that's too much to deal with especially since both of those hoes tried to destroy him and ruin his rep calling him a women beater." Tears fell down my face. "I told myself I wasn't gonna do this." I mumbled.

"Its okay baby let it out." Jussie says, holding my hand.

"When Grace told me she was pregnant

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"When Grace told me she was pregnant...that hurt my feelings like why me, every time I find something good the bad comes with it and you know me Jussie to be a strong women but I don't know if I can be around him anymore." I said, quickly wiping my tears I don't wanna be crying in public fuck I look like.

"What are you trying to say momma is there a reason why you are with Orlando or was he a rebound like do you seriously love him?" Tricky Question....

"I do love him but he is way too perfect for me I am more of a ghetto, loud, sexy yet classy women and to be honest with you we are not very touchy feeling you know what I'm saying we are way too different for each other." Orlando reminds me of Angelo aka the person who I have relations with on a couple of episodes on Empire.

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