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After what Mateo did I just know I'm going to get jumped again. I just left out the class. I walked in the cafeteria because it was almost lunch time. I'm always here before everyone. I went and got my lunch as I took my usual seat. It started to get packed. I saw Mateo with a group of people following him see me and him just can't get along he's rich and can get friends in a snap of a finger I'm poor and barely have food to eat at home. As I watched I saw him put his arm around Maria which was Carshanna cousin. See I knew we wasn't going to be friends. I looked down and started eating until someone knocked my tray on the floor.
Unique: What the actual fuck.
I looked up and saw Maria and she smirked.
Maria: Don't ever let me catch you looking at me ever again.
After she said that I felt a sharp pain against my face. My eyes watered as I heard someone yell.
Mateo: What the fuck Maria.
Maria: What she was staring at me.
Mateo and Maria went at it for what seemed like hours. I just ran out to the bathroom as I heard my name being called.
Mateo: Unique come back.
I didn't say anything I just kept running. About time I got to the bathroom door Mateo was already grabbing me.
Unique: Let me go.
I started squirming trying to get out his grip.
Mateo: Stop. Unique stop god damnit!!
I quickly stopped as I held my head down. Looking at his white shirt I wouldn't dare look in his eyes.
Mateo: Omg what did I tell you about doing that bull shit.
I didn't say anything but I knew exactly what he was talking about. He soon lifted my head making me looked in his beautiful eyes.
Unique: You told me not to do it.
Mateo: Because??
Unique: Because I'm letting my confidence down.
Mateo: Not only that but your letting yourself down your letting what these people do get to your head. You got to fight back don't just sit there and let them do whatever.
At this time Maria found us and looked at me like I was crazy.
Maria: Um Teo
Mateo: I don't want to talk to you right now.
Maria: But
Mateo: But nothing. Leave.
She got pissed and stormed off I just sat there in silence.
Mateo: I should um let you be.
With that he left and I walked in the bathroom. I fixed my make up to cover my scars as I slid down the wall. I mine well stay in here all day

After school I decided to walk home I mean I already missed the bus. Maria beat me half to death and told me to stay away from Teo. I walked passed a couple happy people no one seemed to ask what was wrong they just looked as if I was some kind of monster. I was walking through a ally because it's was a short cut then I heard my name being called.
?: Yo Unique

An/ ok so if I put two questions marks that means it's a girl and if I put one that mean it's a boi. And please disregard the way I spell boy it's a habit.

This voice sounded so familiar. Too familiar as soon as I made out who voice it was I started to speed up.

?: Aye chill it's me Mateo.
Right before I had a chance to make a run for it he grabbed me.
Mateo: What is your problem.
Unique: Mateo let me go.
Mateo: No.
He said sternly. I just snatched away and walked away. I knew he was following so I went faster.
Mateo: You know what they were right you are a waste of time. I don't know why I bothered to be your friend.
As soon as I turned around he was right there. I knew he could see the hurt in my eyes.
Mateo: I I didn't mean it.
Unique: No you did mean it every single word.
I started to back away as he got closer but as I was about to turn around he stopped me.
Mateo: I didn't mean it ok. You just made me angry I'm sitting here trying to be your friend and you just run away from me. And God damnit lift your head.
Unique: Why should I huh Mateo why should I lift my fucking head.
He sighed then lifted my head with a concerned look.
Mateo: Because your letting your crown fall.
Unique: What are you tal-
Before I could finish my sentence he smashed he lips against mine I'm pretty sure he could taste the blood on my lip because I can. He pulled away and looked extremely sad.
Mateo: Who did this to you??
Unique: I can't tell you.
Mateo: You're stronger than that.
Unique: Fine. It was Maria ok.
Mateo: Are you fucking serious?
He tilted his head and looked at me in disbelief.
Unique: She she told me to stay away from you.
Mateo: Unique go home I'll see you tomorrow.
Unique: There's no school on Saturday.
Mateo: Meet me at the park for our project.
I nodded as we both went opposite directions

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