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Mabel (Pov)

"Really mom!" I replied desperately.

"You can't just take a random cat with us." My mom replied sweetly and quietly.

I rolled my eyes and bit my lip. I stood there for a minute before saying quietly "She is my only friend, please mom."

My mom sighed and pulled me in for a hug. The smell of her perfume rushed filled my nose. She smelled of lilies and daisies.

She picked up Raven and got inside of the car then placed her in the back. I smiled and wiped away the tears threatening to roll down my cheeks. I got in the car and said thank you before looking outside at my old house as we drove away.

-----4 hours later-----

"Mabel....Mabel...Honey we're here." My mom said as she tugged at me gently. I groaned and opened my eyes. My eyes adjusted to the light slowly and I glared out the window to the new house where we would be staying. I frowned it was not what I thought it would be, I'm not picky or spoiled but I kinda hoped it would be like the house in American Horror Story. It was instead a peppy pink house with white rimming. The pink was so bright it was an eye sore. My mom giggled happily "Doesnt it look amazing!" She said excitingly as she unbuckled her seatbelt. Before I could say anything she got out of the car and raced towards the door gesturing for me to get out of the car. I stepped out reluctantly and grabbed Raven who looked as unamused as me. She opened the door swinging it open. I was happy for her, this is exactly how she described her dream house.

As we moved down the halls we went separate ways where as she went to the kitchen I went to go pick my room. It was a two story house, one thing we never had that I liked. It had an attic too, creepy, which made me like this house just a bit more. It reminded me of a dollhouse. I turned away from the attic and started walking down the hall before turning into a nice room that was less peppy than the rest therefore I picked it. It was just plain white. The other rooms were either pink or a bright yellow.


It was a sharp no. It made me jump and my heart raced ten times as fast as it should. I looked around but no one was there. "Honey!" I heard my mom scream cheerfully from downstairs. "Coming..." I said as I walked cautiously.


Happy New Years! XD

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