Meeting Problems

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Kang Mihyun stood at the mansion's huge porch. Of course, since her parents own one of the most popular companies in the States, she's seen bigger porches. And mansions. She was wearing something simple; a plaid flannel shirt and faded jeans with sneakers. Mihyun wasn't one of those rich snotty girls who were into skirts and makeup. After waiting for a few minutes and finally hearing footsteps, she straightened her back, excited to meet her new housemates.

A boy about her age with honey colored hair opened the door and tilted his head in curiosity.

"Annyeong, I'm Kang Mihyun." she bowed.

He scoffed and looked at her outfit. "Oh, so you're that American lady who's living with us?"

Baffled, by the boy's rude behavior, Mihyun took a small step back. "What is that supposed to mean?"

An elegant lady that was a tad bit shorter than him and had long black hair pushed him out of the way. "Hello! You must be Kang Mihyun, right?" she stuck her hand out. "I'm Mrs. Kim. This is Kim Taehyung, my son."

"Oh, annyeonghaseyo." she forced on a smile, successfully hiding her growing hate for Taehyung as he rolled his eyes and simply stared at her.

"Omo~ You're so pretty!" Mrs. Kim exclaimed. "How would you feel about marrying my son?"

"Umma! I have a girlfriend." Taehyung cried.

"Aigoo, but she's not this pretty." she pinched his cheeks and pulled away before he could slap her hand off.

"Gamsahbnida." Mihyun blushed and tucked her hair behind her ear in embarrassment.

"Taehyung-ah, take her bags to her room."

"Why?" he whined. "We have butler for a reason."

Mihyun watched in amazement as Taehyung argued with his mom like a spoiled brat. Never, in her whole 16 years of her life, had she talked to her parents like this. It was ridiculous.

"Just go do it." his mother crossed her arms and glared at him.

"Ugh, fine." he snatched the bags out of Mihyun's hands in disgust and trudged away.

Mrs. Kim sighed in disappointment and motioned for the latter to come in.

Mihyun stepped inside on the marble floor that was polished until you could see your own reflection.

"Can you go get ready for dinner?" Mrs. Kim asked, obviously trying to not sound rude but failing miserably. Mihyun acknowledged that, but was confused. Her parents didn't really care about what she wore to dinner, or what she wore in general.

But anyhow, she said, "Okay." She walked up the spiral stairs and, when she reached the top, looked down the long corridor with hundreds of doors on each side. Her mansion that she lived in was more organized so it wasn't exactly like this one, but since she was living here for 2 years, she told herself to get used to it.

A voice behind her interrupted her thoughts. "Don't know where your room is?"

Instantly knowing that it was Taehyung, she turned to look at him in the eyes and said, "No, I don't." Expecting a lie from her, he unconsciously pointed to her room's door. "Thanks." she smiled and walked in there confidently.

Taehyung's eyes practically bored holes into the door as she closed it and he muttered to himself, "Hmph, it'll take a while to break her." Then he smirked. "Challenge accepted."

Once she was done taking a shower, she put on a dark purple dress that hugged her thin waist snugly and braided her hair neatly. She applied eyeliner and left it like that because she absolutely hated makeup, but didn't want to look bad on front of her new guardians. After slipping on a pair of black flats, she walked down the stairs.

There was a tall man in a suit waiting for her, possibly the butler, and escorted her to the dining room. The table was made of the finest wood and had white velvet chairs with frames to match it. There was a big chandelier above the table that lit up the room completely.

The butler pulled out a chair for Mihyun and she sat down, crossing her legs once her butt had landed on the soft cushion of the seat. Then, maids came in and swiftly laid plates filled with delicious food on the table. It included her favorite dishes; short ribs, salad, and, even better, sushi. She was an absolute sucker for sushi. It was her weakness.

She licked her lips at the sight of the red tuna sticking out of the rolls and heard a snicker from across the table. Immediately knowing who it was, she looked up at Taehyung and sent daggers at him with her eyes. Smirking, he mocked her by licking his lips dramatically. 'Ugh, how I hate the sight of him.' she thought and ignored him, a slight scoff escaping his mouth.

"Ahem," Mrs. Kim glared at Taehyung and he sunk down in his seat slightly like a young child. "How do you like your food, Mihyun?" she asked.

"It looks so delicious." Mihyun exclaimed and used her chopsticks to put some sushi on her plate.

"I'm glad you like it." a deep voice came from the entrance of the dining room.

Mihyun instantly turned around, sushi roll halfway to her mouth. A tall, heavy built man came in and plopped down on a chair. Ignoring her growling stomach, she slowly set the sushi back on her plate and watched his every move as he ate his food. He was light skinned, just like Taehyung, and had the same pouty lips as him. 'If Mr. Kim were younger and skinnier, they could be twins.' she thought.

Taehyung ate his rice and looked at Mihyun. She squirmed in her seat, trying to figure out how to eat her sushi without looking like a complete and utter slob. He snickered for the second time, earning an intimidating scowl from his father. He cleared his throat and kept eating, still watching as Mihyun struggled with her food.

"So," Mrs. Kim broke the awkward silence. "I was thinking, maybe Taehyung should go shopping with Mihyun."

Both of them choked on their food. "What?" they asked in unison.

"I said, you guys should go shopping with each other. You know, to buy her uniform and school supplies. School starts in a week so now would be a good time to get everything ready. And you two need to bond if you're going to live with each other for 2 years." she said, failing to notice the heated atmosphere between Mihyun and Taehyung.

"I think that's a swell idea," Mr. Kim's deep voice boomed as he wiped his mouth with a napkin.

"Great, then that's settled. I will have a driver ready for you two at 11:00." Mrs. Kim smiled victoriously.

"Mrs. Kim I-" Mihyun began.

"No, you guys should go together." Mr. Kim insisted.

Since she was kind of scared of him, Mihyun quieted down. They finished the rest of their dinner in more silence.

Mihyun walked up the stairs slowly, feeling the burn in her quadriceps. Once she reached the second floor, she opened her door and flopped down on her bed. She buried her face into the fluffy pillow and rolled herself into her soft blanket. 'I have to spend a day at the mall? With... him?' she thought and sat up, pouting. She hated the mall as much as she hated make up, but she hated Taehyung even more.

She rubbed the back of her head in frustration before changing into her pajamas. Mihyun laid down on the bed and stretched. She curled up under the blankets and fell asleep.

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