Dove Cameron's Slumber Party At Bebe Rexha's House & Nazly Gonzalez's House

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Bebe Rexha: Bebe, Suleyka wants you to go with her to the store.
Me: Doesn't say anything.
Nazly Gonzalez: Let's go Bebe.
Me: Leaves with Suleyka.
Dove Cameron: Bebe where's Phoebe Bebe Rexha Geller?
Bebe Rexha: She went to the store with Suleyka.
Dove Cameron: She didn't tell me she was leaving.
Me: Texts Dove. "I'll be right back. Dove we'll do whatever you wanna do."
Dove Cameron: Texts me. "Are you sure? She's not going yo let you leave her side. That's why she asked Bebe Rexha to take you to the store."
Me: Yeah I know. She's trying to be like Bebe Rexha! I'm always with Bebe Rexha! But I don't care what Bebe Rexha does to me.
Nazly Gonzalez: Sees me texting someone.
Me: Sorry Dove. I'll text you back later. Puts my phone in my pocket.
Nazly Gonzalez: Babe give me your phone. I wanna see who your texting.
Me: Just stands there.
Nazly Gonzalez: Now Bebe! Don't make me get it myself.
Me: Fine. Gives Nazly my phone.
Nazly Gonzalez: Checks my text message. Why are you texting Dove Cameron? You know your not suppose to text anyone while you're with me.
Me: You can't tell me who to talk to.
Cathlina: Ooh! Bebe's in trouble.
Nazly Gonzalez: Slaps me. Do not talk to me like that.
Me: Doesn't say anything.
3 hours later
Nazly Gonzalez: By the way you're not going to Dove Cameron's slumber party.
Me: Bebe Rexha?
Bebe Rexha: Yes Phoebe?
Me: May I please go to my friend's slumber party today?
Bebe Rexha: Looks at Nazly.
Nazly Gonzalez: I told her not to text anyone while she was with me. And she disobeyed me.
Bebe Rexha: Phoebe is that true?
Me: Y y yes!
Bebe Rexha: Sorry. You're staying here. Tell Dove you can't go to her slumber party?
Me: Texts Dove. "Dove I can't go the slumber party. Bebe and Nazly said I have to stay here."
Dove Cameron: It's okay. I'll figured something out.
Me: Thanks Dovie.
35 minutes later
Me: Listens to music on my phone. Wait, where's phone? Oh no. Suleyka has it! Makes sure she's busy. Then takes my phone without her seeing me.
During Dove Cameron's Slumber Party
Dove Cameron's Cousin: Dove is Bebe coming?
Me: Sneaks out of the house.
Dove Cameron: I'll be right back. Yeah she's coming.
Me: Follows Dove.
Back At Nazly Gonzalez's House
Nazly Gonzalez: Where did Phoebe Bebe Rexha Geller go?
Cathlina: I saw her leave.
Nazly Gonzalez: Texts me.
Me: Texts Nazly back.
Bebe Rexha: Picks me up. Phoebe Rachel Monica Thunderman let's go. Now.
Me: I'm going.
Bebe Rexha: Pulls me to her car.
Me: I'm sorry Bebe. I shouldn't of left.
When we went back to Suleyka's house Nazly Gonzalez said sit down.
Me: Sits in between Nazly and Bebe Rexha!
Justin Bieber: Hey guys.
Me: Hi Justin.
Justin: Waves his hands. Hey.
Me: I was saying hi to Justin Bieber.
Camila Mendes: Bebe I'm so happy to see you again.
Me: Me too, Camillica.
Camila Mendes: The reason why she calls me Camillica is because there's a couple named Camila Mendes. The couple is Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello. That's why she calls me Camillica.
Justin Bieber: Why does Camillica mean?
Me: I used her Camila and Veronica. I put those names together. That's how I got Camillica. For her last name I just say Bear or Lodge!
Judge Faith: Phoebe may I please talk to you?
Me: Sure.
Judge Faith: How would you like to be on my show?
Me: That'd be amazing. Are my friends allowed to be part of your show?
Judge Faith: Yes. Your friends could come too.
The Next Morning
Me: Wakes up. I keep having this weird dream were Suleyka and I are in a weird relationship. In my dream we're always making love to each other, no matter where we're at. Starts talking about my dream.
In My Dream
Nazly Gonzalez: Bebe come with me.
Me: Where do you want me to go?
Nazly Gonzalez: Somewhere private, Babe!
Me: Thinks about it! "Should I go with her? A voice in my head says no you shouldn't go with her. Another voice in my head says Bebe Rexha she's gonna hurt you. You should just go with her. If you do or don't go with her she'll hurt you."
Nazly Gonzalez: Are you coming?
Me: Follows Nazly.
Nazly Gonzalez: Takes my hand. We're here.
Me: Are we going to be alone?
Nazly Gonzalez: No. We're not.
Me: Sees Bebe Rexha walking towards me.
Bebe Rexha: Let's do this!
Me: Boy. They never give up. They would do whatever they can to make me stay with them. Instead of my friends.
Later that day
Me: Realizes I'm always at Nazly's house instead of Bebe Rexha's house.
Bebe Rexha: Phoebe guess what?
Me: Are we going to move in?
Bebe Rexha: Yeah. She wants us to stay here.
Me: I got a better idea. Why don't they move to Los Angeles? I love being at Los Angeles. It's way more fun there.
Nazly Gonzalez: Hears my conversation. I don't know. We do like it there.
Me: Please think about it?
Nazly Gonzalez: Okay.
Me: Goes outside. Wassup guys?
Camila Mendes: Wanna play?
Me: Yeah. Starts playing.
Dove Cameron: Sees me breathing heavily.
Me: Tries to stand. Oh no. Falls on the floor.
Camila Mendes: Gets Bebe Rexha! Bebe, Phoebe's laying on the floor. I think she's hurt.
Bebe Rexha: Rushes by my side.
In The Hospital
Me: Where am I?
Young me: This is where we had so much fun. You should stay here!
Bebe Rexha: Bebe I'm really sorry.
Me: Doesn't hear anyone except young me.
Young me: Are you staying?
Me: Yes. Doesn't wake up.
Nazly Gonzalez: I don't think she's coming back.
Me: Yay. I'm finally free to do whatever I want.
Bebe Rexha: We should do something.
Nazly Gonzalez: Like what?
Bebe Rexha: Whispers to Suleyka.
Me: Sees them. Oh my gosh! They did something that made 'em come back to me. They shouldn't of done that.
In real life
Cathlina: Mommy why did you leave us?
Nazly Gonzalez: Just lays there.
Bebe Rexha Fans: We're okay with this! We knew she loved her more. Because their always with each other.
Someplace Else
Me: Says to myself why'd they do this to me? How did I get here? Where is everyone? Why can't people see me?
7 Year Old Me: You're in heaven. Bebe Rexha, Nazly Gonzalez they're the ones who did this to you.
Me: How do I get to reality?
7 Year Old Me: Take me with you.
Me: Wakes up. Gasps. I've been giving a second chance. Sees 7 year old me. Woah.
Bebe Rexha, Nazly Gonzalez: Doesn't wake up.
Camila Mendes: Gasps. I've missed you.
Me: Me too.
Camila Mendes: Is that you when you were 7?
Me: Yeah. She told me everything.
7 Year Old Me: Hi. Bebe look their waking up.
Me: Gasps. If they were giving a second chance, I hope they don't do anything to me.
Nazly Gonzalez: Hugs me.
Bebe Rexha: We're sorry.
Me: You're right! You should be sorry. Y'all were being mean to me.
Nazly Gonzalez: No. We weren't. We were just using you.
Me: These past few days feel like I'm on a rollercoaster.
Bebe Rexha: Takes me to her concert. Phoebe, please help me sign autographs?
Me: Helps Bebe sign autographs.
3 weeks later
Me: Phew. I've been helping Bebe out.
Bebe Rexha: Bebe do some chores!
Me: Okay. Starts working on the chores.
Dove Cameron, Camila Mendes: Sees me doing chores.
Camila Mendes: Why are you doing chores?
Me: Bebe told me to. I'm a different person now. I changed when I came b...
Bebe Rexha: No. You can't say that to her. She doesn't have the right to know. Suleyka me and you are the only ones who could know.
Me: Okay.
Dove Cameron: Bebe do you wanna play a game?
Me: Sure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2017 ⏰

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