4: Bartholemew's girl

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Bartholemew spends a lot of his time thinking about his girlfriend, Matilda.

They recently got in a fight because Matilda thinks that Bartholemew spends too much time staring at the wall

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They recently got in a fight because Matilda thinks that Bartholemew spends too much time staring at the wall. Screw Matilda. Although they are in a fight right now, bartholemew thinks about when they first caught each other's eye. And when I say 'caught each other's eye' I mean that literally. Matilda threw her eye at bartholemew. After that they fell in love, escaped out of the zoo, and became fugitives of the local zoo police. They are still in hiding. Always remember, Bartholemew hates you. The end.

Life of Bartholemew.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt