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I wake up to Johnnie playing with my hair. "Hey" You say yawning "Good Afternoon Cutie" He said kissing your forehead. "What do you mean?" You ask looking up "It's 2pm" He says laughing. You blush looking down "I kept you here that long?" You ask embarrassed "I don't mind, I like cuddling with my Cutie" He says and you laugh "Well I'm gonna grab some Taco Bell, want some?" You say jumping up "Sure, want me to come too?" He asked standing up as well. "Nah, I'm okay" You say grabbing a jacket. "Love you!" You say kissing him he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer. Soon you pull away gasping for air. "I love you too" He says as you run out the door.

You get to Taco Bell and see the one person you don't want to, Cody. Apparently he works at this Taco Bell. 'Shit. Shit. Shit.' You think to yourself turning around and walking out. You start running as you hear him shout your name. At this point you're cursing yourself for walking. "Y/N! Please Wait!" You hear him yell from behind you. 'no! Go away!" You yell back taking the sharp left through the apartment doors. You decide to take the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator. 

You finally reach your door unlock it, scramble in and lock it. You sink to the floor and just sit there sobbing. Johnnie runs out of the bedroom and sees you on the floor. He runs over "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" He asks holding you close. 'It's, C-Cody, he chased me all the way here." You say still crying. "Oh Y/N, I'm so sorry, I should've gone with you." He says kissing the top of your head . "You're safe now. I won't let him hurt you." He says rubbing your back hold you in a protective embrace. "You're okay, shhh, you're okay." He said as you drifted off to a deep sleep. But just before you did you heard him say "I love you."

You woke up in your bed and you couldn't feel Johnnie next to you so you stood up and shouted "Johnnie!" and then you heard him run in "You okay?" He said worried "Yeah, I just didn't know where you were." You said laughing at yourself and he laughed too. "Awww, were you worried." He laughed. 'N-no" You say blushing and he chuckled. "I love you, you know that?" HE said kissing your forehead. 'I know, I love you too." You giggled as he kissed your neck. "What?" He said looking up. "Someone's horny" You laugh at him as he blushes. You kiss him and it results in a full out makeout session. 

You pull away gasping for away. "Wow..." You say smiling "My cuddly bear just showed me a whole new side of him." You say giggling and you sense his embarrassment "It's ok, I like this side of him." You say lifting his chin and softly kissing him. "I love you" You say as you pull away "I love you too." He said kissing you one more time.

"I'm making breakfast, want anything?" You ask skipping down the hallway. "No, I already ate." He said following you. "Okie Dokie, I'm having waffles" You say in a childish voice. "Alright, I'm gonna go record." He said walking off. "K" You say licking waffle batter off your finger.

~5 Hours Later~ (I know I'm Lazy :P )

"JOHNNIE!" You yell to him as he walks out of his recording room. "YEAH?" He said at the other end of the hallway. "I want to eat chocolate, watch Disney movies, cuddle and drink sugary drinks." You say laying in a ball on the couch. "What's wrong?" he asks walking in looking at you and saying just plain "Oh.." "Yeah help me." You say trying to smile. "Ok I'll get some chocolate and soda." He says grabbing a jacket. "Anything special?" He asks looking in the doorway. "No just lots of chocolate." You say and he laughs. "Alright be back in a few. Love you" He says walking out, you don't respond. 

"Honey, I'm Home!" Johnnie says walking in the door. You just groan from the couch still lying exactly where you were when he left. "Wanna watch Cinderella?" He asks tilting his head and smiling, but you just nod. "Ok" He says running over to the bags of stuff flailing his arms. You giggle in response "YES! I MADE YOU LAUGH!" His says throwing his hands up. "I love you, now can we cuddle?" You say trying to smile again. 

I Don't Care What You Are ( Johnnie Guilbert x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now