chapter two- he was blue

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9 AM

I wake up with the sun beaming in my face. I didn't bother to move, just shut my eyes. Lately, I haven't had the motivation to move for anything.
After a while of feeling the heat on my right eye, I decided to roll over.
My arms drape over both sides of my bed, waiting for sleep to consume me. I usually wake up just to go back to sleep anyway.
Right when my muscles begin to relax and my jaw unclenches, my phone starts to vibrate.
The arm closest to my nightstand, being my right one, reaches forward to cling onto my phone. No thought considering I would drop it, I lazily slide it into the palm of my hand and raise it up to my face.

Text Message

I unlock my phone to read the text Max had sent me, I had my text messages on private so no one could snoop in on my conversations.
I'm a very private person.
" Hey G,
We all just flew in-to New York, should we head to your place first? "

I jerked my head up,
"Oh shit, I forgot again"
I quickly sat up and put my bare feet on the cold floor, my fingers quick to hit call.

the phone rings a few times before I hear a familiar loud aussie voice on the other end

"Hey Joji, forgetting something?"
Max said, trying to sound as if he were mad, but knew he wasn't. He never was.

"Hey man, I'm sorry, do you want me to meet you guys there or can I just wait and pay your taxi?"

"Shut up, cunt. We'll be there soon."

A mute, "beep beep beep" rung in my ear to signify that he had hung up on me. I put my phone down and got changed from my boxer shorts into my black skinny jeans with a white tee shirt.
I looked at myself in the mirror,
I sighed and pulled a beanie from off my bed post and pulled it down on my head.
I fiddled with that for a while, then rushed to my bathroom to brush my teeth and do my morning empty.
(Yes, that means piss)
I went out of my room, looking out on my fairly, too big for me apartment.
It wasn't a mess but it sure was in ship shape condition, not that my friends would care any.
I was interrupted by the sound of my doorbell, my ears perked and I made my way to the door.
I was greeted by multiple, "heys!" And hands going up.
We all hugged and all gay shit.
I welcomed them in and they definitely made themselves welcome..which I liked.
"Would you guys like a morning drink to start off?"
Of course, everyone agreed.
I went into my kitchen to open my refrigerator, checking out all my drink selections I had.
Mostly alcohol, some water bottles, orange juice for my morning vodka, and a glass of wine that I had kept in there for ages unopened.
When they're here, I'll need all the alcohol I can get.

Hours went by, we all sat around and had drinks, I had my newer friends that I had made through music and via Twitter come over to meet my older friends. They walked in shouting their signature, "Suh Dude" and shook everyone's hand. Everyone got comfortable quickly. I was my usual quiet self, as I thought to myself I looked around at all my friends.
Max, Ian, Chad, Nick, Tanner.
I had some wild friends, but I knew I had good ones..well for the most part.
"So what's the plan for the first weekend the boys are in town ay?" Chad said, beer sitting on his thigh.

"Well, uh there's a party going on tomorrow, if you guys wanna go. I'll be playing some tunes, it's gonna be sick." Tanner mentioned, also beer in hand as he made hand motions with the other one.
I knew there was a party this weekend, and the only reason I would go would be the free beer. But honestly, I could care less.
everyone agreed to the idea.
So, that decides my weekend.
The boys left for their hotel, since check in was a later time.
Tanner and Nick left shortly behind them, they had to get ready for the party I guess.
After everyone was gone I slugged myself in my bathroom, I grabbed a towel and laid it on the sink
I turned on the shower, waited for it to get at the temperature I wanted, and peeled my clothes off.
I stepped in the shower and let the water run down the back of my head and the back side of my body
I closed my eyes and let my head hang for a while before running my hands through my hair, sticking it back to the top of my head. I turn towards the shower head and grabbed my body wash, rubbing it all over myself. No matter how many showers I took I always felt dirty, like i couldn't get clean.
I washed the substance off and started with my hair. I put a drop of shampoo in my hand and let my fingertips scrub and glide on my scalp.
After I scrubbed all the shampoo out, and put conditioner in just to wash it out, I stuck my hair back on the top of my head and washed my face.
I turned the shower head off and reached for my towel.
I dried off my head, then my body. Before I wrapped the towel around my waist, I looked at myself in the mirror.
I looked rough, even when I'm clean as can be.
My scruff took up half my face and down my neck, I decided to shave that later. My raven black hair was getting longer, I could always work with that though. And I didn't even wanna think about how my body looked.
I sighed and wrapped the towel tightly around my waist. I brushed my hair back and decided to clean my scruff up. I shaved along my neck, doing my best to clean it up. After I was finished I was the left over freshly cut hairs off and put on some after shave. I looked a little better, as good as I'll get I suppose.
I walked out of my bathroom and over to my closet, i looked around before grabbing a black shirt with a broken heart on the chest, and some black skinny jeans with holes at the knees. I ripped off the towel, glided on some underwear, jumped in my pants to my best ability, threw on my shirt, and pulled on some black socks followed by my black worn out vans.
"Can't go wrong with all black," I said to myself. After I took a look at myself in the mirror I went back into my bathroom, and worked on my hair the best I could. I combed it to the side, the front, the other side, the back. I pulled out my hairdryer and blew my hair all which way before deciding where I liked it, to the front and hanging just a little over my left eye. I picked up my dirty clothes and threw them in a hamper.
I walked yet again into my room, and grabbed my phone
12:35 PM
I read the time before looking through my notifications, i didn't have much
text message(2)

text message

The Boys (group chat)
text message(7)
I read them in order by the time I got them, so I read the group chat first. Mainly because I was curious what they could be saying when they are right next to each other.
Chad: who's ready to party and get fucking smashed!?
Max: woo! I am!
Max: let's do this!
Ian: guys you're literally right next to each other and we could just call George over.
Max: shut up, cunt. Ruin the fun
Chad: yeah cunt
Ian: goddamit, George a little help here?
I chuckled before responding, "sorry man you're on your own."
I hit send and checked my other messages
Tanner: hey man, I'll see you tonight at the party. I promise it's gonna be so sick!
George: yeah, man. can't wait.
Then I checked Max's message.
Max: Hey cunt, be ready at eight.
Max: also, we're gonna do a couple things before we leave to get you. see you then, jojizz
I sighed and locked my phone, I was ready now. What am I gonna do until eight?
I guess I can work a little.
I walked over to my computer and opened it up, checking everything out.
eight isn't gonna come fast.

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