Chapter Two

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I rolled off my bed and crashed to the floor before getting up heading straight to the shower. I plugged my iPod into a speaker and turned the volume all the way up; music filling the bathroom and probably most of the house as well. I sang loudly, and off key, as I washed my hair, shaved my legs, and scrubbed my body down. I carefully climbed out of the shower, not wanting yet another slip resulting in a large bruise.  

I brushed my teeth and put my contacts in, careful not to drop one down the sink. Unsurprising, I drop them down the sink a lot.

I moved to my closet to pull out an outfit. Unfortunately, my school has a uniform, but it was Friday so I was able to wear jeans and a school t-shirt. I settled on my volleyball shirt and my usual flared jeans.

I knew every girl would be wearing skinny jeans and extremely tight shirts to impress the ‘sexy boys’ that would be at our school. I couldn’t deny that they were good looking, but they weren’t exactly my type.

 After I got dressed, I checked my email and apparently the seniors were allowed to wear any outfit they wanted. I tore my volleyball shirt off and put on a somewhat tight pink v neck. Changing out of my jeans, I put on a pair of black and pink Victoria's Secret sweatpants.

 I proceeded to put on makeup; my usual blue eyeliner and light purple eye shadow. I added my mascara, adding probably a quarter inch to the length of my eyelashes.

"Mom, when are we leaving?" I asked my mom, the alternate to taking the bus. I’d prefer the awkward conversation over the gross school bus any day of the week. 

"Oh, I'm getting a ride to work, so you can take the car," she told me, not once taking her eyes off the newspaper in front of her.

"Oh, okay. Do you mind if I go out after school with the girls then?" I hope she knew I’d be going out whether she approved or not.

"Not at all, it's your birthday! Have fun. Take some money with you," she told me as she tossed a few bills toward me

My eyes widened as I realized she passed me at least one hundred dollars.

"Mom, are you sure?" I asked her.

"Yes, I'm sure. You said I couldn't throw a party, so you get a present from me. Now go, you're going to be late," my mother said as she shooed me out the door.

"Thanks mom," I told her while kissing her cheek and hugging her.

I grabbed my white Hollister hoodie and my purse off of a chair and I grabbed to keys off the counter. My driveway was blocked by a car; my friend Hope’s car to be exact.

"HEY! Um, could you move?" I teased her

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY RHIANNON!" They all screamed whilst jumping out from behind the car to hug me. Fiona, Hope, Isabel, Lauren, and Hailee were all there; I could always count on my girls.

I told Hailee, Fiona, and Gen to get in my car so I could drive them.

"Hope, you drive Lauren and Isabel. I'll meet you at school," I told her while climbing into the driver’s seat.

"Got it.! Let's go girls!" Hope called out, overly perky as usual.

Immediately on entering the car, Fiona was in the passenger's seat plugging in her iPod.

"No One Direction," I told her without looking to see if she was, in fact, playing their music.

"You might as well get used to it, their concert is today," she said excitedly.

"Fine, just don't put on that annoying song that's always playing," I complained.

"That's What Makes you Beautiful?" Fiona asked me; this was her favorite song.

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