MJ Fantasy ~ Two Worlds ~ Part 31

Start from the beginning

"Ohh . . ok . . of course. . let me sit down then"

"May I please know your last name?"

"Williams. . I'm Oleta Judith Williams"

"Hi Mrs.Williams, it's a pleasure . . no actually, it's an HONOR to meet you"

"Why thank you :) I have no idea why but I'm sure you will tell me :)"

"Yes I will . . . umm . . wow . . how do I even start? I'm so nervous"

"Awww dear! don't be nervous, whatever it is, tell me please :)"

"Ok . . umm . . about 26 years ago you and your husband went on a cruise, am I right?"

". . . . Yes. . oh my. . how do you know that?"

"And . . . you . . .  you lost your baby son on that cruise. . ."

(SILENCE) . . . 

"I did . . (voice cracks) . . the ship went down. . . many people lost their lives. . my husband Carl and I were lucky we survived . . it was a disaster. . we lost our son . . a huge wave came and he was gone . . I let go of him. . . I shouldn't have let go . . it was cold . . it was dark . . I couldn't feel my legs, my arms . . . couldn't even see my own hands in fornt of my eyes . . we lost our beautiful baby boy . . . . oh my god, I can't believe I'm talking about it . . please excuse my crying. . . ."

"Oh Mrs.Williams . . please don't stop talking . . I'm crying too . . please go ahead, please tell me more. . I really need to know more about this. . . tell me everything"

"Oh dear . . . you don't know what this does to me . . I've been having the same dream over and over again every single night that one day my beautiful son would walk into my house and meet me. . . but that dream will remain a dream . . I miss my son to pieces . . . :'( . . . please excuse, I need to get a tissue"

"Mrs.Williams . . your son is alive. . ."

"What? . . no sweetheart . . I lost my baby boy, my husband and I lost him :("

"No. . he's alive and he's healthy . . . oh Miss Williams . . there is SO MUCH I wanna tell you right now but I would prefer to talk to you face to face about this . . is there any chance that we could meet and talk about this in person?"

"Yuli. . as much as I wish that my son was still alive, he isn't . . in my heart there is no sign of Jamie, he can't be alive . . it's impossible :( . . can we please end this conversation? I'm about to break down again. . ."

"Mrs. Williams . . I respect and understand your feelings but you have to realize that I'm just as crushed as you are . . please make it possible for me to meet you . . please . . I'm begging you. . ."

"Oh dear . . ."

~ Michael's point of view ~ 

I just came home from school. I'm starving . . . thank god Yuli cooked for me before she left. I sit down in front of the TV and start eating. That's when the phone rings. I walk up to it and pick up:


"Hi . . this is Kimberly . . . are, are you Jamie?"

"Jamie? you mean Yuli?

"No . . I mean Jamie . . Jamie Parker"

"No . . there is no Jamie Parker here . . wrong number"

"This can't be a wrong number . . my mom got a phone call from this number . . it is YOU, Jamie!! it must be you!! your girlfriend was just here at our house. . . we talked to her about you and I just had to call you, Jamie . . she said that you're not ready to talk to us and we understand but I'm your sister!! . . . Kimberly. . . I just had to call and hear your voice. . I'm so happy that you're still alive. . ." (cries)

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